This set of Metal Casting Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Dust Measurement and Sampling”.
1. Which of the following equipment is used for determining the concentration of dust accurately?
a) Screener
b) Air Dryer
c) Jas Filter
d) Gravimetric sampler
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Explanation: Gravimetric sampler is used for determining the concentration of dust, which provides a time weighted mean dust concentration. A special filter is used in this sampler which uses the analytical technique to determine silica content and also estimates an average dust concentration over the sampling stage.
2. For determining the concentration of dust, continuous sampling is carried out by manual means.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: For determining the concentration of dust, continuous sampling is carried out which uses automatic sensors, electrochemical, and spectroscopic methodology to produce continuous reports of concentration values of the dust particles. The particular time means concentration values can then be determined by the continuous reports.
3. Which of the following sands can be used as a substitute for minimizing the dust particles in the foundry?
a) Core sand
b) Silica sand
c) Olivine sand
d) Quartz sand
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Explanation: It can be essential to substitute less hazardous sand such as olivine sand which can reduce free silica concentrations and thus minimize the dust particles in the foundry. In this case, local exhaust ventilation must be provided at the mixing or mulling period as the sand used in the foundry is dry.
4. The biological monitoring of carbon monoxide is basically done by the blood sampling procedure.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: For the recognition and treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning, all the exposed foundry workers must be instructed. The biological monitoring of carbon monoxide can be done by blood sampling or by exhaled air samples that can also be an applicable method. The samples are mostly taken at the end of working time.
5. To examine health hazards and material damages in the foundry, the sampling site should be away from the source of pollution.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Sampling sites generally controlled by the factors like objectives, technique of sampling and the resources available. To examine the health hazards and material damages, the sites should be kept close to the objects where the effects are being examined and should be kept at the breathing level in the foundry.
6. Mechanization in the foundry can reduce the level of dust which may further reduce the cost of sampling.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: By mechanization in a foundry, dust level can be reduced by using pneumatic conveying systems which transfers and feeds additives into the process area. This also includes enclosed conveyers with dust controlled transit points, especially for transferring sand into the moulding shops in the foundry.
7. Which of the following processes is responsible for the emission of particulate matter in the foundry?
a) Moulding
b) Melting
c) Dressing
d) Shakeout
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Explanation: In the melting process of material in the foundry, particulate matter emissions in the form of dust and metal oxide fumes which generally varies according to the type of furnace, material to be melted and its characteristics. Most of the particulates like coke, rust and silica are produced by the cupola furnaces.
8. To measure and control dust particulates in the foundry, dry dust technologies are mostly preferred than the wet dust technologies.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: To measure and control dust particulates in the foundry, dry dust collection technologies like bag filters are commonly used instead of wet dust technology like wet scrubbers. The dry methods allow dust particulates to be easily collected, transported, and re-circulated to the mould preparing process.
9. In non-ferrous foundries, dust from the emission control equipment is considered as hazardous waste which cannot be recoverable.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In non-ferrous foundries, dust from the emission control equipment can contain particulates like zinc, lead, nickel, cadmium, and other materials which classified as hazardous waste. But somewhat of materials can be recoverable from this waste, this is done by using filter dust which can allow metal recovery through dust reprocessing.
10. Respirable dust sampling is a method which uses a cyclone to separate and capture dust particles.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Respirable dust sampling method uses a cyclone to separate and capture dust particles in the range of size. The respirable fraction is attained on a pre-weighed PVC filter which is used for gravimetric analysis. The size of dust particles and its characteristics are obtained by the type of cyclone used with the sampling flow rate.
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