Automotive Engine Auxiliary Systems Questions and Answers – Alternative Fuels

This set of Automotive Engine Auxiliary Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “ Alternative Fuels”.

1. Which are the two main alcohols used in the engine as a fuel?
a) Butanol and methanol
b) Propanol and butanol
c) Ethanol and propanol
d) Methanol and Ethanol
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Answer: d
Explanation: Alcohols have been used as engine fuels for a long time, methanol and ethanol are the two main alcohols used in the engine as a fuel.

2. Which alcohol is used in racing car engine due to its high anti-knock rating?
a) Methanol
b) Ethanol
c) Propanol
d) Butanol
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Answer: a
Explanation: Alcohols have a high anti-knock rating, due to which, especially methanol, have been used in racing car engines. Flame of methanol fire is difficult to be seen in daylight, due to which it may not be detected.

3. Flame of which alcohol is difficult to be seen in daylight?
a) Methanol
b) Ethanol
c) Propanol
d) Butanol
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Answer: a
Explanation:Flame of methanol fire is difficult to be seen in daylight, like LPG, petrol or other fuels its flame doesn’t produce any color, due to which it may not be detected.

4. Due to which alcohol corrosion of rubber and aluminum parts occur?
a) Methanol
b) Ethanol
c) Propanol
d) Butanol
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Answer: b
Explanation: Corrosion of rubber, magnesium, and aluminum parts occurs at higher ethanol percentages, and also it is electrically conducting, this can cause a problem with some electric fuel pumps.

5. Which alcohol is electrically conducting and used as fuel?
a) Methanol
b) Ethanol
c) Propanol
d) Butanol
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ethanol is electrically conducting, many sensors and electrical devices are connected to the engine. This can cause a problem with some electric fuel pumps.

6. What is the reason for ethanol to be difficult to ignite at a lower temperature?
a) High combustion
b) Aroma
c) structure of hydrocarbon
d) Less volatile
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pure ethanol is less volatile than petrol due to which it becomes difficult to ignite at lower temperatures, which means, starting a cold engine during winter is difficult.

7. Which Ethanol is not used in light-duty vehicles?
a) E95
b) E15
c) E10
d) E85
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Answer: a
Explanation: E10, E15, and E85 are used for light-duty vehicles and E95 is used in Heavy-duty vehicles e.g., trucks and buses. Hence, E95 is the right answer.

8. The Natural Gas consists of 95% of which gas?
a) Methane
b) Butane
c) Propane
d) Ethane
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Answer: a
Explanation: The natural gas, like petroleum, comes from underground reserves. It consists, mainly of 95% of methane and the remaining 5% comprises butane, propane, and ethane with a small amount of water vapor.

9. Compared to petrol, CNG combustion produces 25% less of what gas?
a) NOx
b) H
c) CO
d) CO2
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Answer: d
Explanation: Compared to petrol, compressed natural gas produces about 25% less CO2 and due to high levels of methane, it gives the highest HC emission.

10. LNG consist of more than 98% of which gas?
a) Propane
b) Ethane
c) Methane
d) Butane
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Answer: c
Explanation: During the liquefaction process, natural gas is cooled below its boiling point removing most of the water vapor, butane, propane, etc., so that LNG is more than 98% methane.

11. The LPG is a by-product of the fractional distillation of which fuel?
a) Coal
b) Kerosene
c) Diesel
d) Petrol
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Answer: d
Explanation: The liquefied petroleum gas is a by-product of the fractional distillation of petrol, consisting mainly of Butane and propane, used as engine fuel.

12. Which are two Hydrocarbons present in LPG?
a) Butane and Pentane
b) Methane and ethane
c) Butane and propane
d) Pentane and Hexane
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Answer: c
Explanation: The liquefied petroleum gas is a by-product of the fractional distillation of petrol, consisting mainly of Butane and propane, used as engine fuel.

13. Bio-diesel is made of what residuals?
a) Plant oil
b) Animal fat
c) Plant oil and animal fat
d) Edible oil
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Answer: c
Explanation: Bio-diesel is an alternative to standard diesel fuel, and is made from biological sources instead of petroleum, it is made from plant oils or animal fat.

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