Automotive Engine Components Design Questions and Answers – IC Engine – Connecting Rod

This set of Automotive Engine Components Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “IC Engine – Connecting Rod”.

1. The piston is connected to which end of the connecting rod?
a) Shank
b) Big end
c) Edge of shank
d) Small end
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Answer: d
Explanation: Piston is connected to the small end of the connecting rod whereas the big end is connected to the crankshaft, and shank holds both the ends.

2. The crankshaft is connected to which end of the connecting rod?
a) Edge of shank
b) Small end
c) Big end
d) Shank
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Answer: c
Explanation: The big end of the connecting rod is connected to the crankshaft whereas the piston is connected to the small end of the connecting rod, and shank holds both the ends.

3. The part that connects the small end and the big end of the connecting rod is known as ______
a) big end
b) cap
c) shank
d) small end
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Answer: c
Explanation: The big end of the connecting rod is connected to the crankshaft whereas the piston is connected to the small end of the connecting rod, and the part that connects small end and the big end of the connecting rod is the shank.

4. What is the basic function of the connecting rod?
a) To transmit force from piston to crankshaft
b) To transmit rotary motion from the piston to the crankshaft
c) To transmit oscillation from piston to crankshaft
d) To transmit force from piston to piston pin
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Answer: a
Explanation: The major basic function of the connecting rod is to transmit the push and pull forces from the piston to the crankshaft. The force is created by the combustion in the Cylinder.

5. The rod that transmits reciprocating motion to rotary motion is known as?
a) Camshaft
b) Connecting rod
c) Crankshaft
d) Piston
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Answer: b
Explanation: The major basic function of the connecting rod is to convert reciprocating motion from the piston to the rotary motion of the crankshaft.
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6. For what purpose rifle hole is drilled in connecting rod?
a) Cooling
b) Combustion
c) Lubrication
d) Diffusion
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Answer: c
Explanation: Rifle hole is the long drilled in the connecting rod that connects the bearings of small end and big end, its major usage is for lubrication.

7. The connecting rod is manufactured using which process?
a) Drop forging
b) Slip casting
c) Welding
d) Die casting
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Connecting rod is manufactured by dropping a die on a red-hot metal. Due to this manufacturing technique, it can withstand high gas pressure.

8. Which force is experienced by connecting rod?
a) Stress
b) Torsion
c) Moment
d) Inertia force
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Answer: d
Explanation: The connecting rod is subjected to the force of gas pressure and the inertia force of the reciprocating part. Hence, the Inertia force is the right answer.

9. Which material is used in connecting rod?
a) Steel
b) Tin
c) Medium carbon steel
d) Tungsten
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Answer: c
Explanation: The materials used for the connecting rod are either medium carbon steels or alloy steels. This steel has both carbon and manganese, they are quenched and tempered.

10. How many percent of carbon is present in medium carbon steel?
a) 5% to 10%
b) 0.35% to 0.45%
c) 0.73% to 0.85%
d) 20% to 30%
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Answer: b
Explanation: The medium carbon steels contain 0.35% to 0.45% of carbon content, the alloy steels include nickel-chromium or chromium-molybdenum steels.

11. Which are the two types of lubrication system?
a) Lift and splash feed
b) Splash and pressure feed
c) Splash and pour feed
d) Pour and pressure feed
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are two types of lubrication of bearings at the two ends- splash lubrication system and pressure feed lubrication system.This helps in smooth function and Noiseless.

12. Cap is attached to which end of the connecting rod?
a) Small end
b) Shank
c) Wrist pin
d) Big end
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Answer: d
Explanation: Cap is attached to the big end of the bearing holding the crankshaft. Cap is bolted to the big end along with bearings. Cap experiences force during the downward stroke of the piston.

13. In which type of lubrication system, the spout is present?
a) Pour lubrication
b) Pressure lubrication
c) Splash lubrication
d) Lift lubrication
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the splash lubrication system, the spout dips into the sump of lubricating oil during the downward motion of the connecting rod and splashes the oil as the connecting rod move upward.

14. The spout dips into oil sump during which motion?
a) Right-ward motion
b) Upward motion
c) Downward motion
d) Left-word motion
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Answer: c
Explanation: The spout dips into the sump of lubricating oil during the downward motion of the connecting rod and splashes the oil as the connecting rod move upward.

15. The spout is attached to which end of the connecting rod?
a) Big end
b) Small end
c) Shank
d) Wrist pin
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Answer: a
Explanation: Spout is an extended metal piece appearing as a spoon-like structure. This is connected to the big end of the connecting rod. Spout lifts the oil from oil sump and splash around the cylinder.

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