Automotive Engine Auxiliary Systems Questions and Answers – Engine Components…

This set of Automotive Engine Auxiliary Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Engine Components – Connecting Rod”.

1. Based on which forging technique is the connecting rod forged?
a) Closed die forging
b) Press forging
c) Drop forging
d) Open die forging
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Answer: c
Explanation: A connecting rod is drop forged component wherein a heavy hammer is dropped from a height of 1-1.5 meters, on to a hot workpiece kept on an anvil. The force of the blow varies from 10-3000 Newtons.

2. Which of the following is the proper measurement of the connecting rod length?
a) Length of shank
b) Length between the small end and big end axis
c) Length between the small end and the length of the shank
d) Length between the big end and the length of the shank
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Answer: b
Explanation: The length of the connecting rod is the length from the small end axis and the big end cap axis of the connecting rod. This length also contains the shank length in it thus the length of the connecting rod is calculated.

3. Buckling is found in which part of the engine?
a) Intake manifold
b) Piston
c) Connecting rod
d) Glow plug
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Answer: c
Explanation: Buckling can be experienced in a connecting rod and not in other components. The buckling is the deflection of the connecting rod therefore the buckling stress is found out for each material that is being used for the connecting rod.

4. Which are the combination of stresses acting on the connecting rod?
a) Shear and torsion
b) Torsion and tensile
c) Tensile and
d) Axial and bending stresses
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Answer: d
Explanation: A combination of axial and bending stresses acting on the connecting rod in operation. The axial stresses are produced due to cylinder gas pressure and the inertia force arising on account of reciprocating motion, whereas bending stress caused due to centrifugal.

5. Identify the following part of the connecting rod shown below?
The shank is the part of the connecting rod in given figure
a) Shank
b) Bush
c) Float
d) Plunger
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Answer: a
Explanation: The shank is the part that connects both the small end and the big end of the connecting rod. The cross-section of the shank portion of the connecting rod is an I-section. This I-section is made to blend smoothly into the two rod-ends.
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6. Which of the following does the connecting rod connect?
a) Piston and crankshaft
b) Accelerator pedal and venturi
c) Cam and crankshaft
d) Sleeve and cotter
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Answer: a
Explanation: The connecting rod converts the linear motion of the piston into rotary motion of the crankshaft. The connecting rod connects the piston and the crankshaft. The tensile strength of the connecting rod is in the range if 1034MPa.

7. For which to which part is the hole drilled for lubrication in a connecting rod?
a) Piston to crankshaft
b) Piston to connecting rod
c) Small end to big end of the connecting rod
d) Only in piston
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Answer: c
Explanation: For lubrication, a rifle hole is drilled from the small end of the connecting rod to the big end of the connecting rod. The oil is lifted from the crankcase with higher pressure and lubricates cylinder through oil rings.

8. Which of the following material is used in the manufacturing of the connecting rod?
a) Magnesium
b) Copper
c) Bronze
d) Steel
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Answer: d
Explanation: The connecting rod is generally made up of drop forging of steel or duralumin. However, with the technology these days cast from malleable or spheroidal graphite cast iron. Forged connecting rods are comparatively cheaper and have less strength.

9. Which of the following is defined as whipping stress?
a) Bending stress due to compression
b) Bending stress due to inertia
c) Bending stress due to
d) Bending stress due to torsion
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Answer: b
Explanation: The small end of the connecting rod is subjected to translation motion and the big end is subjected to pure rotary motion. The intermediate point moves in an elliptical orbit. The lateral oscillation induces inertia that acts all along the length. This type of action is called whipping. The bending stress due to the inertia force is called whipping stress.

10. Which of the following formula is used to find the force acting on the connecting rod neglecting the cos theta angle and position of the connecting rod?
a) Force=Maximum gas pressure ×(π)
b) Force=(π×D/4)
c) Force=(π×D2/4)×maximum gas pressure
d) Force=(D2/4)× Stroke length
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Answer: c
Explanation: The correct relationship the force acting on the piston is found using Force =(π×D2/4)×maximum gas pressure where D is the cylinder bore, maximum gas pressure is in the range of MPa or N/mm2.

11. Which of the following shows the correct relationship between critical buckling and force acting on the connecting rod?
a) Critical buckling load = factor of safety ×force on connecting rod
b) Critical buckling load = Factor of safety
c) Critical buckling load = force on the connecting rod
d) Critical buckling load = force on the connecting rod /factor of safety
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Answer: a
Explanation: The correct relationship between the Critical buckling load and the force acting on the connecting rod is Critical buckling load = factor of safety ×force on connecting rod where critical buckling load is in terms of Newton and factor of safety is usually 5 to 6.

12. What is the percentage of carbon present in a medium carbon steel type connecting rod?
a) 0-0.1
b) 0.1-0.2
c) 0.25-0.35
d) 0.35-0.45
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Answer: d
Explanation: The material used for the connecting rod is either medium carbon steel or alloy steel. The medium carbon steels contain 0.35-0.45 percentage carbon. The alloy steel includes nickel-chromium or chromium-molybdenum steels.

13. In splash lubrication, the spout is attached to with part of the connecting rod?
a) Piston
b) Shank
c) Big end
d) Small end
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Answer: c
Explanation: In splash type lubrication a split is attached to the big end of the connecting rod and set at an angle to the axis of the rod. The spout dip into the sump of lubricating oil during the downward motion of the connecting rod and splashes the oil as the connecting rod moves up.

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