Automotive Engine Components Design Questions and Answers – IC Engine – Buckling of Connecting Rod

This set of Automotive Engine Components Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “IC Engine – Buckling of Connecting Rod”.

1. Connecting rod is subjected to which type of force during buckling?
a) Axial strain
b) Shear stress
c) Tensile force
d) Compressive force
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Connecting rod is subjected to axial compressive force equal to maximum gas load on the piston. The compressive stress is of significant magnitude.

2. Connecting rod experiences load from which part of the engine?
a) Cylinder
b) Cylinder head
c) Piston
d) Crankshaft
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Answer: c
Explanation: Connecting rod top part i.e., small end is connected to the piston, and the piston experience maximum gas pressure during. Hence, connecting rod experiences load from the piston.

3. The connecting rod is designed as a _____
a) square
b) guideways
c) strut
d) cylinder
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Answer: c
Explanation: The connecting rod should be very stiff and have good strength to withstand the load. Therefore, the connecting rod is designed as a column or strut.

4. The buckling of the connecting rod has how many planes?
a) 2 planes
b) 1 plane
c) 3 planes
d) 6 planes
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Answer: a
Explanation: The buckling is the Bending of the connecting rod. The buckling of the connecting rod is in two different planes- the plane of motion and a plane perpendicular to the plane of motion.

5. The planes of the connecting rod are parallel to each other.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation:The buckling of the connecting rod is in two different planes- the plane of motion and a plane perpendicular to the plane of motion. Therefore, the statement is false.

6. The ends of the connecting rod are _____ to the piston pin.
a) beam
b) fixed support
c) hinged
d) roller support
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the plane of motion, the ends of the connecting rod are hinged to crankpin and piston pin.Hinge is one kind of support used to obtain eccentric motion. Therefore, the hinge is the right answer.

7. Buckling of the connecting rod is along which axis?
a) XX- axis
b) YY-axis
c) ZZ-axis
d) XY-axis
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the plane of motion, the buckling of the connecting rod is along XX-axis and the end fixity coefficient is one. Hence, XX-axis is the right answer.

8. The ends of the connecting rod are fixed due to which effect?
a) Parallel effect
b) Perpendicular effect
c) Non-constraining effect
d) Constraining effect
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the plane perpendicular to the plane of motion, the ends of the connecting rod are fixed due to the constraining effect of the bearing at the crankpin and the piston pin.

9. What is the coefficient of fixity along the YY-axis in buckling of connecting rod?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 4
d) 2
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the plane perpendicular to the plane of motion, for the buckling about the YY-axis, the end fixity coefficient(n) is 4. For a hinge support coefficient of fixity is zero.

10. What is buckling of connecting rod?
a) Straightening
b) Bending
c) Widening
d) Elongation
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Answer: b
Explanation: Due to the compressive load from the piston and crankshaft, the connecting rod tends to bend. This bending of the connecting rod is known as the buckling of the connecting rod.

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