Automotive Engine Auxiliary Systems Questions and Answers – Leakage Preventers – Gaskets

This set of Automotive Engine Auxiliary Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Leakage Preventers – Gaskets”.

1. Which component is used to provide a tight-fitting joint between Cylinder and cylinder head?
a) Revet
b) Casting
c) Welding
d) Gasket
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Answer: d
Explanation: Gaskets are used to provide a tight-fitting joint between Cylinder and cylinder head, between crank-case and oil pan, between the cylinder block and manifolds.

2. Which of the mentioned below is not the material of gasket?
a) Cork
b) PVC
c) Asbestos
d) Rubber
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cork, Asbestos, and Rubber all the material used for different engine gasket, whereas PVC i.e., Poly-Vinyl Chloride is a material used in water pipes.

3. Cork is made of which natural resource?
a) Seeds
b) Animal fat
c) Fossils
d) Bark of Oak
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Answer: d
Explanation: Cork is one of the oldest gasket materials obtained from the bark of oak and pine trees and oil-resistant synthetic rubber gaskets are frequently used in oil pan corner joints.

4. Which gaskets are frequently used in oil pan corner joints?
a) Oil-resistant synthetic rubber gasket
b) Fibers of asbestos
c) Cork
d) Heated cork
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Answer: a
Explanation: Oil-resistant synthetic rubber gaskets are frequently used in oil pan corner joints. The material of these gaskets should be resistant to the chemical reactions.

5. What is the combustion pressure experienced by the gasket between the cylinder head and engine block in a petrol engine?
a) 1500KPa
b) 450KPa
c) 2000KPa
d) 700KPa
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Answer: d
Explanation: The combustion pressure experienced by the gasket between cylinder head and engine block in a petrol engine is 700KPa and for turbo-charged diesel engine it is 2000KPa.
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6. What is the combustion pressure experienced by the gasket between cylinder head and engine block in a turbocharged diesel engine?
a) 1500KPa
b) 450KPa
c) 2000KPa
d) 700KPa
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Answer: c
Explanation: The combustion pressure experienced by the gasket between cylinder head and engine block for turbo-charged diesel engine it is 2000KPa. Since then the air is force injected, high pressure and temperature is generated.

7. What is the combustion temperature experienced by the gasket between the cylinder head and engine block in a petrol engine?
a) more than 1100°C
b) less than 700°C
c) more than 2400°C
d) less than 200°C
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Answer: a
Explanation: The combustion pressure experienced by the gasket between cylinder head and engine block in a petrol engine is 700KPa and it should withstand the temperature more than 1100°C.

8. Which type of gasket is used on I-head engines?
a) Metal sandwich-type
b) Shim type
c) Embossed steel
d) Both Shim or embossed steel type
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Answer: d
Explanation: Embossed steel or shim type is generally used on the I-head engine, metal sandwich type is made of either copper and asbestos or steel and asbestos; mainly used on passenger cars, trucks, etc.

9. Which type of gasket is used in passenger cars?
a) Shim type
b) Embossed steel
c) Shimbestos
d) Metal sandwich
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Answer: d
Explanation: Metal sandwich type is made of either copper and asbestos or steel and asbestos; mainly used on passenger cars, trucks, etc. There is a chance of leakage of charge, so two metal sheets are integrated on either side of the gasket.

10. Which type of gasket is the combination of a thin steel heat shield and a specially treated metal-reinforced asbestos?
a) Shim type
b) Embossed steel
c) Shimbestos
d) Metal sandwich
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Answer: c
Explanation: Shimbestos type of gaskets is the combination of a thin steel heat shield on one side and highly resilient, a specially treated metal-reinforced asbestos on the top of the side.

11. Which type of gasket is made of perforated steel sandwiched between two treated asbestos sheets?
a) Shim type
b) Embossed steel
c) Shimbestos
d) Felbestos
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Answer: d
Explanation: Felbestos type of gasket is made of perforated steel sandwiched between two treated asbestos sheets and cork, Fecoid and Felcoprene are the material used as oil pan gasket.

12. Which material is not used as oil pan gaskets?
a) Cork
b) Felcoid
c) Asbestos
d) Felcoprene
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Answer: c
Explanation: Cork, Fecoid, and Felcoprene are the material used as an oil pan gasket.The materials of these gaskets should be resistant to the chemical reactions and withstand high temperatures.

13. Which type of gaskets are treated to withstand anti-freezers?
a) Pump gasket
b) Manifold gasket
c) Oil pan gasket
d) Cylinder head gasket
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Answer: a
Explanation: Several materials are available for pump gaskets such as asbestos, karropak, felcoid, etc, they are treated to withstand oil, water, petrol, and anti-freezers.

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