Automotive Engine Auxiliary Systems Questions and Answers – Petrol Engine Fuel Supply System – Turbocharger

This set of Automotive Engine Auxiliary Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “ Petrol Engine Fuel Supply System – Turbocharger”.

1. Turbocharger is driven by which mechanism?
a) Intake gas
b) V-belt
c) Chain
d) Exhaust gas
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Answer: d
Explanation: Both the supercharger and the turbocharger perform the same function, the supercharger is driven directly by the engine, whereas a turbocharger is driven by exhaust gas.

2. The exhaust gas drives which part of the turbocharger?
a) Intercooler
b) Turbine
c) Manifolds
d) Coupling
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Answer: b
Explanation: Supercharger is mechanically driven by the engine, often through a belt connected to the crankshaft, whereas a turbocharger is powered by a turbine.

3. What is the disadvantage of turbocharger?
a) Turbo temperature
b) Hot air
c) Turbo drop
d) Throttle lag
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Answer: d
Explanation: Throttle lag is the disadvantage of turbocharger. This occurs because turbocharger rely on the buildup of exhaust gas pressure to drive the turbine.

4. Which technology is the combination of turbocharging and supercharging an engine?
a) Twin-charging
b) Bi-lateral charging
c) Tripping
d) Maxcharging
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Answer: a
Explanation: Compared with a mechanically driven supercharger, turbochargers tend to be more efficient, but less responsive. Twin-charger refers to an engine with both a supercharger and a turbocharger.

5. Which loss is increased when a turbocharger place exhaust back pressure on engines?
a) Fuel loss
b) Traction loss
c) Lubrication loss
d) Pumping loss
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Answer: d
Explanation: A turbocharger does not place a direct mechanical load on the engine, although turbochargers place exhaust back pressure on engines, increasing pumping losses.
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6. In a naturally aspirated engine, the air is drawn into the engine by which mechanism?
a) Supercharging
b) Turbocharging
c) Upward stroke of the piston
d) Downward stroke of the piston
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Answer: d
Explanation: In naturally aspirated engines, intake gases are drawn into the engine by atmospheric pressure filling the volumetric void caused by the downward stroke of the piston.

7. What is the main objective of a turbocharger?
a) Volumetric efficiency
b) Thermal efficiency
c) Load
d) Fuel efficiency
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Answer: a
Explanation: The objective of a turbocharger is to improve an engine’s volumetric efficiency by increasing the density of the intake gas allowing more power per engine cycle.

8. The turbocharger’s compressor draws in ambient air and compresses it before it enters into which part?
a) Intake manifold
b) Exhaust manifold
c) Air filter
d) Intake resonator
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Answer: a
Explanation: The turbocharger’s compressor draws in ambient air and compresses it before it enters into the intake manifold at an increased pressure to the cylinder.

9. What are the systems that use a turbocharger to maintain an engine’s sea-level power output is known as?
a) CRDI engine
b) Multi-air engine
c) TDCI engine
d) Turbo-normalized engine
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Answer: d
Explanation: Systems that use a turbocharger to maintain an engine’s sea-level power out are called turbo-normalized systems. Generally, it maintain a manifold pressure of 100KPa.

10. Smaller turbochargers have less turbo lag than a larger one?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Smaller turbochargers have less turbo lag than larger ones, so often two small turbochargers are used instead of one large one. Hence, the statement is true.

11. Which type of turbochargers use moveable vanes to adjust air-flow?
a) Variable compressor
b) Variable- geometry
c) Variable-nozzle
d) Variable-nozzle or Variable-geometry
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Answer: d
Explanation: Variable-geometry or variable-nozzle turbochargers use moveable vanes to adjust the air-flow to the turbine, imitating a turbocharger of the optimal size throughout the power curve.

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