This set of Life Sciences Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Immunology Introduction”.
1. The ability of an organism to resist infections by the pathogens is called___________
a) Infection
b) Hypersensitivity
c) Immunity
d) Allergy
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Explanation: Immunity is the ability of an organism to resist infections with the help of the immune system. Immunity is further divided into two categories, i.e. innate immunity and adaptive immunity.
2. Innate immunity present since birth and it has no memory.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Innate immunity is the natural immunity, which is present for the birth and it operated against any foreign molecules and pathogens. It provides the first line of defense and is not specific in nature.
3. Which of the following compounds is NOT found in tears?
a) Lysozyme
b) Lactoferin
c) IgA
d) IgE
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Explanation: IgE participates in hypersensitivity reactions, but not present in tears. Tears are the secretion of lacrimal gland and also know as lacrimal fluid consists of lysozyme, lactoferrin, and IgA.
4. Name the cytokines which released in response to virus infection?
a) Interferons
b) Monokines
c) Lymphokines
d) Interleukins
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Explanation: Monokines, lymphokines, interleukins, and interferons are cytokines which are of low molecular weight soluble protein or glycoprotein. Interferon is cytokines produced by cells in response to virus infections.
5. Name the group of pattern recognition molecules which functions exclusively as a signaling receptor?
a) CRP
b) Toll-like receptor
c) MBL
d) LPS
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Explanation: Toll-like receptor functions exclusively as a signaling receptor and is a pattern recognition molecule. It was identified as a protein involved in the formation of dorso-ventral polarity in developing fly embryos.
6. Name the first cell which recruited at the place of infection.
a) Nk cells
b) Basophils
c) Nutrophils
d) Macrophages
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Explanation: Neutrophils are second major type of phagocytic cell which is found in abundance in blood and have short life span.
7. Name the nerve stimulator which is responsible for the pain of the inflammation.
a) Bradikinins
b) Prostaglandin
c) Histamines
d) Kinins
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Explanation: Kinins are the principal mediator of inflammatory response which is present in blood plasma in an inactive form. It causes vasodilation and increased permeability of capillaries.
8. Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of a good antigen.
a) Large in size
b) Foreignness
c) Highly complex
d) Reproduce only by binary fission
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Explanation: A good antigen is defined by its complexity and size, plus its foreignness and dosage. Large size and highly complex antigen are considered as good and more responsive.
9. Which of the following antibody gives a primary immune reaction?
a) IgG
b) IgM
c) IgA
d) IgE
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Explanation: The first class of antibody which provide a primary immune response is IgM followed by IgG. When the same antigen attack again, the secondary immune response generated which is provided by IgG.
10. Which of these is NOT a characteristic feature of adaptive immunity?
a) Immunogenic memory
b) Antigen no-specific
c) Self/ non-self recognition
d) Diversity
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Explanation: Adaptive immunity is an antigen specific immune response unlike innate immunity which is antigen non-specific and can protect against any antigen.
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