Life Sciences Questions and Answers – Genetic Manipulation of Animal Cells

This set of Life Sciences Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Genetic Manipulation of Animal Cells”.

1. Introduction of foreign DNA in the genome is called___________
a) Gene expression
b) Transgenesis
c) Transfection
d) Cell hybridization
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Answer: b
Explanation: Transgenesis is the introduction of foreign gene or DNA into the genome of other organisms so that it can be maintained in heritable manner.

2. Genetically engineered, and genetically modified mean the same thing.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Genetically modified organisms are made through the alteration of genetic material while genetically engineered are those whose genetic material is modified through recombinant DNA technology.

3. When was the first transgenic animal produced?
a) 1981
b) 1971
c) 1978
d) 1986
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ralph Brinster and Richard Palmiter in 1981 produced a first transgenic animal. They had introduced the gene for rat growth hormone in the fertilized egg of mice.

4. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT for gene knockout?
a) Non functional gene is introduced
b) Make gene inoperative
c) Introduction of functional gene in an organism
d) It can be used to study the effect of loss of gene
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Answer: c
Explanation: Gene knockout is different from the transgenesis as in this process, a nonfunctional gene is introduced in the place of functional gene and make it inoperative.

5. Name the phenomenon where a single cell is able to reproduce the whole organism?
a) Transfection
b) Gene knockin
c) Transgenesis
d) Animal cloning
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Explanation: Animal cloning is a phenomenon of producing an entire organism from the single cell of the parent. These are genetically identical in nature.
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6. Which cloning technique is used to clone the whole organism?
a) DNA cloning
b) Reproductive cloning
c) Gene cloning
d) Therapeutic cloning
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Answer: b
Explanation: Reproductive cloning was first used to clone Dolly the sheep, most famous cloned organism. In this process, the DNA of the donor is introduced into the egg of another organism.

7. Name the mechanism which is used to correct the defective gene?
a) Gene therapy
b) Gene knockout
c) Gene knock-in
d) Restriction Fragment Length Polymers
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gene therapy is the corrective mechanism which is used to supplement defective mutant allele with the functional one. It is responsible for the correction of the defective or abnormal gene.

8. Which of the following gene is responsible for the severe combined immunodeficiency disease?
a) Factor VIII
c) ADA
d) P53
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Answer: c
Explanation: ADA stands for adenosine deaminase, deficiency of which causes severe combined immunodeficiency. It is most commonly found in bone marrow and T-cells.

9. Name the type of the method in which the cloned gene is directly transferred in the tissues of patients.
a) Virus mediated gene transfer
b) In vitro gene transfer
c) Ex vivo gene transfer
d) In vivo gene transfer
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Answer: d
Explanation: In vivo gene transfer involves the direct transfer of the cloned gene in the tissue of the patient while ex vivo gene transfer involves a transfer of cloned genes in the culture and then introduce into patients.

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