This set of Life Sciences Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Culture”.
1. Embryo initiation is facilitated by___________
a) GA3
b) BPA
c) ABA
d) 2,4 D
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Explanation: 2,4, D is used in higher concentration for embryo initiation while ABA is used for embryo maturation.
2. Which of the following culture is used for the production of primary and secondary metabolites?
a) Cell suspension culture
b) Callus culture
c) Protoplast culture
d) Somatic hybrid
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Explanation: Cell suspension culture is a suspension of a single cell and few clumps of cells. It grows faster than callus culture.
3. Which of the following does not act as a fusogen in protoplast fusion?
a) 2,4 D
b) Polyethylene glycol
c) Calcium
d) PVA
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Explanation: Fusogen is a glycoprotein which facilitates fusion of cell to cell membrane. It is merging of gamete genome and formation of an organism.
4. Increase amount of auxin in callus culture will promote which part of the plant tissue?
a) Multilayer tissues
b) Meristem
c) Shoot
d) Root
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Explanation: Callus culture is an unorganized, undifferentiated mass of cell in which differentiation process occurs. Increase in the ratio of auxin to cytokinin will promote rooting of the plant.
5. Name the asexual mode of embryo formation?
a) Protoplast fusion
b) Callus culture
c) Somatic embryogenesis
d) Protoplast culture
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Explanation: Somatic embryogenesis is an asexual mode of embryo formation from somatic cells which develop directly into the whole plant.
6. Mark the INCORRECT statement about applications of the somatic embryogenesis?
a) Mass multiplication of germplasm
b) Continuous cell lines
c) Production of artificial seeds
d) Production of primary and secondary metabolites
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Explanation: Somatic embryogenesis is used for the production of artificial seeds and it also produces primary and secondary metabolites which are specific to seeds such as lipids in oil seeds.
7. Which method is used to overcome cytoplasmic male sterility?
a) Callus culture
b) Artificial embryogengesis
c) Somatic embryogenesis
d) Cybrid
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Explanation: Cybrid is the fusion of cytoplasm of two cells. It shows heterozygocity for cytoplasm genome. This method is used to overcome cytoplasmic male sterility.
8. Which of the following statement is NOT true for artificial seeds?
a) Higher cost method for multiplication
b) No transplantation is required
c) Bactericide and fungicide can be given
d) Artificial endosperm can be given
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Explanation: Artificial seed production is high volume, low cost method for multiplication. Artificial endosperm can be given and it does not require transplantation.
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