Life Sciences Questions and Answers – Genome

This set of Life Sciences Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Genome”.

1. C-value in genome represents___________
a) Genetic disorders
b) Phenotypic variation
c) Amount of DNA present in the genome
d) Qualitative traits
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Answer: c
Explanation: The measure of DNA display in the genome of animal varieties is known as a C-value, which is characteristics of every species.

2. Eukaryotes and prokaryotes have either DNA genome or RNA genome.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: All eukaryotes and prokaryotes dependably have a DNA genome, while viruses may either have a DNA genome or RNA genome.

3. Name the phenomenon which shows the lack of correlation in genome size and genetic complexity.
a) Histogram
b) Karyogram
c) Dendrogram
d) C-value paradox
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Answer: d
Explanation: In higher eukaryotes there is no connection between expanded genome size and multifaceted nature. This absence of the relationship between genome size and genetic complexity is called C-value paradox.

4. What is the genome size of yeast?
a) 12
b) 120
c) 170
d) 3,300
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Answer: a
Explanation: Genome size of eukaryotes varies accordingly, i.e. genome size of yeast is 12, mustard plant has size 120kb, fruit fly have 170kb, and humans have 3,300kb genome.

5. How does genome complexity of denatured DNA measure?
a) Giemsa staining
b) Reverse chromatography
c) Denaturation kinetics
d) Renaturation kinetics
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Answer: d
Explanation: Genome’s complex nature is the aggregate length of various arrangements of DNA. It can be estimated through the renaturation kinetics of denatured DNA.
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6. Which of the following equation shows DNA renaturation reaction?
a) Sec 60
b) Cot1/2
c) Tan 30
d) Cot 40
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Answer: b
Explanation: Renaturation of DNA depends upon the random collision of the reciprocal strands and follow second order kinetics. A DNA renaturation (reassociation) response is given by the Cot1/2.

7. Name the sequences which are present in more than one copy in a haploid genome?
a) Nonrepetitive DNA
b) Highly repetitive DNA
c) Repetitive DNA
d) Minisatellite
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Answer: c
Explanation: Repetitive DNA are the sequences that are present in the haploid genome and are of multiple copies.

8. What is alphoid DNA?
a) Large size DNA
b) Sequences that are unique
c) DNA repeats found in centromere region
d) Highly repetitive DNA
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Answer: c
Explanation: Alphoid DNA is a human satellite DNA, which is mainly found in the centromere region.

9. Mark the INCORRECT statement about minisatellites.
a) Tendemly repetited DNA
b) Form clusters up to 20kb in length
c) Shorter clusters
d) Found in the centromere region
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Answer: d
Explanation: Minisatellites are mainly found at or close to telomere region. Alphoid DNA is mainly found in the centromere region.

10. Where does microsatellite DNA present in the chromosomes?
a) Dispersed throughout the chromosome
b) At the telomere end
c) At the centromere
d) Mainly at metacentric region
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Answer: a
Explanation: Microsatellite DNA is less than 150bp and found in a dispersed condition all over the chromosome.

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