This set of Life Sciences Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Mineral Nutrition”.
1. Those elements whose absence prevent plants from completing its life cycle are called___________
a) Micro element
b) Macro element
c) Nonessential elements
d) Essential elements
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Explanation: In order to grow and complete their life cycle plants need certain essential nutrients. The presence of these nutrients in the form of inorganic elements is called essential elements.
2. Which one of the following is NOT a criteria for an element to be called as essential?
a) These elements need not to take part in growth and development
b) The function of an element must not be replaceable
c) The element should be involved in plant metabolism
d) A plant cannot complete its life cycle without these elements
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Explanation: Essential elements have a specific physiological role in the growth and development of plants.
3. Who proposed the idea of essential mineral nutrients of the plant?
a) Leonhart Fuchs
b) Aristotle
c) Arnon and Stout
d) Carl Linnaeus
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Explanation: Arnan and Stout in 1939 first proposed the idea of essential mineral nutrients for the plants. There are about 17 elements which are considered as the most essential for angiospermic plants.
4. Name the technique which involves the growth of a plant by suspending their roots in the air?
a) Diffusion
b) Osmosis
c) Hydroponics
d) Aeroponics
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Explanation: Aeropinics is a technique in which the roots of a plant are suspended in the air and being sprayed with a nutrient solution.
5. Which of the following is a mineral nutrient?
a) Carbon
b) Nitrogen
c) Hydrogen
d) Oxygen
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Explanation: Nitrogen is a mineral element as it is acquired by the plants in the form of inorganic ions from the soil while carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are non-mineral elements.
6. Which of the following element is needed by plants in a very small quantity?
a) Phosphorus
b) Carbon
c) Sodium
d) Magnesium
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Explanation: Elements which are needed by plants for growth in a very small quantity is called micro element or trace element. Sodium, zinc, boron, etc. are some examples of the trace element.
7. Name the mineral element which is required by a plant in a great amount?
a) Calcium
b) Cobalt
c) Phosphorus
d) Nitrogen
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Explanation: Nitrogen is required by plants in a great amount as its constituent amino acids, nucleic acid, amides, proteins, nucleotides, and coenzymes.
8. Deficiency of which mineral causes dark green coloration of the leaves?
a) Phosphorus
b) Potassium
c) Nitrogen
d) Calcium
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Explanation: Phosphorus deficiency in plants can lead to the formation of dead tissues in the leaves which is called necrotic spots and causes dark green color of leaves.
9. Which of the following is deficiency symptom of magnesium?
a) Chlorosis in young leaves
b) Chlorosis in older leaves
c) Spindly and woody stem
d) Elongated stem
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Explanation: Deficiency of magnesium causes chlorosis in older leaves first while chlorosis in younger leaves is caused by the deficiency of sulfur.
10. Which of the following class of enzyme does not need manganese for its efficient activity?
a) Dehydrogenase
b) Decarboxylases
c) Kinases
d) Nitrogenase
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Explanation: Nitrogenase requires molybdenum for its activity while dehydrogenase, decarboxylases, and kinases require manganese forits efficient function.
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