Life Sciences Questions and Answers – RNA

This set of Life Sciences Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “RNA”.

1. Molecules which play the key role in the transfer of genetic information during protein synthesis are ___________
a) DNA
b) RNA
c) Nucleic acid
d) Lipids
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Answer: b
Explanation: DNA has all the information which is confined to the nucleus, it is only transferred with the help of RNA during protein synthesis. RNA also has a diverse function in the body which includes the enzymatic activity of ribozyme and storage of genetic information in RNA viruses.

2. Double helix formed by RNA is more stable than DNA.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The difference in their thermal stability is not clearly known but double-stranded helical RNA needs higher temperature for denaturation than DNA.

3. Which form of structure has been adopted by RNA?
a) A-form
b) B-form
c) Z-form
d) D-form
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Answer: a
Explanation: Double helical track in RNA is generally short and formed by an A-form structure which differs from B-form adopted by DNA double helix.

4. Name the RNA molecules which is used to carry genetic information copied from DNA?
a) tRNA
b) mRNA
c) rRNA
d) snRNA
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Answer: b
Explanation: Each type of RNA functions differently, among them mRNA which is also known as messenger RNA carries genetic information from DNA in the form of series of a three-base codon, which specifies the amino acid.

5. Which of the following RNA molecule convert information stored in the nucleic acid to protein?
a) mRNA
b) snRNA
c) rRNA
d) tRNA
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Answer: d
Explanation: Transfer RNA (tRNA) plays a key role in protein biosynthesis and known as adapter tRNA. It acts as an interface between nucleic acid language and protein language. Additionally, it also participates in reverse transcription as a primer.
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6. Name the secondary structure of tRNA?
a) Cloverleaf
b) L-shaped
c) Duplex
d) Triple Helix
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Answer: a
Explanation: Based on their primary sequence tRNA folds into cloverleaf like secondary structure with well-defined loops and stems while tertiary structure further modified into the L-shaped structure.

7. Name the RNA molecule which takes part in the formation of the ribosome?
a) mRNA
b) tRNA
c) rRNA
d) gRNA
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Answer: c
Explanation: rRNA is also known as ribosomal RNA which is a key component in the formation of a ribosome. rRNA molecules along with the ribosomal proteins in the nucleolus form pre-ribosomal subunit 40S and 60S respectively.

8. Which of the following rRNA molecules have peptidyl transferase activity in prokaryotes?
a) 23S rRNA
b) 28S rRNA
c) 5S rRNA
d) 18S rRNA
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Answer: a
Explanation: rRNA molecules have several roles in protein synthesis, one of them is peptidyl transferase activity. In prokaryotes, 50 subunit has 23S rRNA which has a catalytic role and forms a part of peptidyl transferase activity. Similarly, eukaryotes have 28S rRNA in 60 subunits.

9. Which of the following statement is Incorrect about SnRNA?
a) It is small nuclear RNA
b) It helps in RNA splicing
c) It is also called snurps
d) It functions in RNA editing
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Answer: d
Explanation: SnRNA is small nuclear RNA mainly found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It takes part in RNA splicing and always remain associated with other proteins and referred to as snurps or snRNP. It functions in RNA editing is incorrect as RNA editing is done by guide RNA.

10. What is the role of snoRNA in eukaryotes?
a) Chemical modification
b) RNA splicing
c) Act as adaptor RNA
d) Forms component of the ribosome
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Answer: a
Explanation: snoRNA takes part in chemical modification like methylation of rRNA and other forms of RNA in eukaryotes. It forms a snoRNP complex with the proteins and guides it to the modification site of RNA.

11. Name the class of RNA which takes part in RNA Editing?
a) snRNA
b) tRNA
c) gRNA
d) SiRNA
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Answer: c
Explanation: gRNA is guide RNA which is an RNA gene that functions in RNA editing. It was reported in mitochondria of kinetoplastids, where mRNA edited by inserting or deleting stretches of uridylates.

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