This set of Analog Communications Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Practicality of Antenna”.
1. TDR stands for ________
a) Total Distance of Reflection
b) Time Domain Response
c) Time Domain Reflectometry
d) Time Delay Ratio
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Explanation: TDR stands for Time Domain Reflectometer. It is an electronic instrument that uses time domain reflectometry to locate faults.
2. The number of circular polarization modes is _________
a) 1
b) 2
c) many
d) 3
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Explanation: In circular polarization either the electric or magnetic vector executes a circle which is further perpendicular to path of propagation. There are two circular polarization modes.
3. Which is the dominant for a circular waveguide?
a) TE 01
b) TM 01
c) TE 11
d) TM 11
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Explanation: Circular Waveguide supports TM and TE mode, which stands for Transverse Magnetic waves and Transverse Electric waves respectively, but it does not support TEM, Transverse Electromagnetic waves, mode. A rectangular waveguide can’t propagate below some certain frequency. The dominant mode for it is TE 11 mode.
4. The characteristic impedance of a waveguide is fixed.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Characteristic Impedance is the ratio of voltage amplitude to current amplitude of a propagating electromagnetic wave. The characteristic impedance of a waveguide is not fixed. It depends on the frequency it carries. It also depends on the longer dimension of its cross section.
5. Too much antenna gain causes ________
a) jitter
b) high sensitivity
c) a very wide microwave beam
d) a very narrow microwave beam
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Explanation: Measurement of gain of any antenna takes place by comparing it with the value of isotropic antenna. Too much gain in antenna can cause a very narrow microwave beam.
6. NTSC stands for ________
a) National Television Systems Committee
b) National Television Security Committee
c) National Television Systems Council
d) National Television Security Council
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Explanation: NTSC stands for National Television Systems Committee. It is mostly used in North America. It was responsible for developing a set of protocols for television broadcast transmission and reception in the United States. Its specifications was drawn up by EIA.
7. NTSC specifications was drawn up by ________
a) FCC
b) IBM
c) Cisco
d) EIA
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Explanation: NTSC stands for National Television Systems Committee. It is mostly used in North America. It was responsible for developing a set of protocols for television broadcast transmission and reception in the United States. Its specifications was drawn up by EIA.
8. What is the aspect ratio of a standard TV receiver?
a) 3:4
b) 525:625
c) 625:525
d) 4:3
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Explanation: Aspect ratio is an image projection attribute that describes the proportional relationship between the width of an image and its height. Most common video-graphic aspect ratio is 4:3.
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