Separation Processes Questions and Answers – Humidification and Water Cooling

This set of Separation Processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Humidification and Water Cooling”.

1. What is humidification?
a) The process of increasing the moisture of the air is called as humidification.
b) The hot air when cooled with contact in water.
c) The warm air taken out when brought in contact with water
d) The air-water cooling done to cool down the warm water.
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Answer: a
Explanation: For increasing the humidity of the air humidifier is used and the process is humidification.

2. What is dehumidification?
a) The process of increasing the moisture of the air is called as humidification.
b) The hot air when cooled with contact in water.
c) The warm air taken out when brought in contact with water
d) The air-water cooling done to cool down the warm water.
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dehumidification has its use in air conditioning.

3. What is water-cooling?
a) The process of increasing the moisture of the air is called as humidification.
b) The hot air when cooled with contact in water.
c) The warm air taken out when brought in contact with water
d) The air-water cooling done to cool down the warm water.
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Answer: d
Explanation: Water cooling is used to cool down the warm water before it can be resued.

4. What is gas cooling?
a) The process of increasing the moisture of the air is called as humidification.
b) The hot air when cooled with contact in water.
c) The warm air taken out when brought in contact with water
d) The air-water cooling done to cool down the warm water.
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Answer: c
Explanation: For cooling hot air stream water can be used. However contents may change thereafter.

5. What is dry-bulb temperature?
a) Temperature of air measured by thermometer whose bulb is dry.
b) It is the temperature attained by small amount of evaporating water in such a manner that sensible heat transferred from air to liquid is equal to latent heat required for evaporation.
c) The ratio of partial pressure of water vapor in air to the vapor pressure of water at same temperature.
d) Direct measure of moisture content in a gas
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is the true temperature of air i.e not in contact with any vapor.

6. What is wet-bulb temperature?
a) Temperature of air measured by thermometer whose bulb is dry.
b) It is the temperature attained by small amount of evaporating water in such a manner that sensible heat transferred from air to liquid is equal to latent heat required for evaporation.
c) The ratio of partial pressure of water vapor in air to the vapor pressure of water at same temperature.
d) Direct measure of moisture content in a gas
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Answer: b
Explanation: The wet bulb temperature is measured by passing air over the bulb covered with wet cloth.

7. What is absolute humidity?
a) Temperature of air measured by thermometer whose bulb is dry.
b) It is the temperature attained by small amount of evaporating water in such a manner that sensible heat transferred from air to liquid is equal to latent heat required for evaporation.
c) The ratio of partial pressure of water vapor in air to the vapor pressure of water at same temperature.
d) Direct measure of moisture content in a gas
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Answer: d
Explanation: The mass of water vapor per unit mass of gas is called absolute humidity.

8. What is relative humidity?
a) Temperature of air measured by thermometer whose bulb is dry.
b) It is the temperature attained by small amount of evaporating water in such a manner that sensible heat transferred from air to liquid is equal to latent heat required for evaporation.
c) The ratio of partial pressure of water vapor in air to the vapor pressure of water at same temperature.
d) Direct measure of moisture content in a gas
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Answer: c
Explanation: The ratio of partial pressure of water vapor in air to the vapor pressure of water at same temperature is called relative humidity.

9. What is the depression in wet-bulb temperature if
Latent heat of vaporization(l)=1000
Difference in saturation humidity and humidity of ambient air= 2
Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficient is 0.3
a) 6666.67
b) 10000
c) 5000
d) 4000
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Answer: a
Explanation: Depression in wet bulb temperature is = l*(Difference in saturated and humidity of ambient air)/Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficients= 6666.67.

10. What is the depression in wet-bulb temperature if
Latent heat of vaporization(l)=1000
Difference in saturation humidity and humidity of ambient air= 2
Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficient is 0.5
a) 6666.67
b) 10000
c) 5000
d) 4000
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Answer: d
Explanation: Depression in wet bulb temperature is = l*(Difference in saturated and humidity of ambient air)/Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficients=4000.

11. What is the depression in wet-bulb temperature if
Latent heat of vaporization(l)=1000
Difference in saturation humidity and humidity of ambient air= 2
Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficient is 0.2
a) 6666.67
b) 10000
c) 5000
d) 4000
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Answer: b
Explanation: Depression in wet bulb temperature is = l*(Difference in saturated and humidity of ambient air)/Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficients= 10000.

12. What is the depression in wet-bulb temperature if
Latent heat of vaporization(l)=1000
Difference in saturation humidity and humidity of ambient air= 2
Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficient is 0.4
a) 6666.67
b) 10000
c) 5000
d) 4000
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Answer: c
Explanation: Depression in wet bulb temperature is = l*(Difference in saturated and humidity of ambient air)/Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficients= 5000.

13. What is the depression in wet-bulb temperature if
Latent heat of vaporization(l)=100
Difference in saturation humidity and humidity of ambient air= 2
Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficient is 0.2
a) 2000
b) 3000
c) 1000
d) 500
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Answer: a
Explanation: Depression in wet bulb temperature is = l*(Difference in saturated and humidity of ambient air)/Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficients= 2000.

14. What is the depression in wet-bulb temperature if
Latent heat of vaporization(l)=1000
Difference in saturation humidity and humidity of ambient air= 3
Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficient is 0.1
a) 2000
b) 3000
c) 1000
d) 500
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Answer: b
Explanation: Depression in wet bulb temperature is = l*(Difference in saturated and humidity of ambient air)/Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficients= 3000.

15. What is the depression in wet-bulb temperature if
Latent heat of vaporization(l)=100
Difference in saturation humidity and humidity of ambient air= 2
Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficient is 0.4
a) 2000
b) 3000
c) 1000
d) 500
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Answer: d
Explanation: Depression in wet bulb temperature is = l*(Difference in saturated and humidity of ambient air)/Ratio of heat and mass transfer coefficients= 500.

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