Separation Processes Questions and Answers – Salt Distillation

This set of Separation Processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Salt Distillation”.

1. What is the disadvantage of using water in distillation of acetone and methanol?
a) Purity is not much
b) Acetone is less pure
c) Large amount of water required
d) Large amount of yields not possible
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Answer: c
Explanation: Large amount of water is required to alter the value of alpha hence it is a disadvantage.

2. The water vapor pressure and purity of acetone can be increased using?
a) Large amount of water
b) Metal oxides in water
c) Minerals dissolved in water
d) Using an inorganic-salt solution
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Answer: d
Explanation: By using an inorganic-salt solution the vapor pressure of water can be increased.

3. Which salt decreases the volatility of water, and has a strong affinity for methanol?
a) Sodium chloride
b) Calcium chlorate
c) Calcium chloride
d) Potassium iodide
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Answer: c
Explanation: Calcium chloride decreases the volatility of water, and has a strong affinity for methanol.

4. Which salt solution in glycerol is not used to separate ethanol from water?
a) Calcium chloride
b) Zinc chloride
c) Potassium carbonate
d) Ferric sulphate
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Answer: d
Explanation: Ferric sulphate cannot be used to separate ethanol and water.

5. The salt which must be soluble in reflux is recovered by __________ and _________
a) Evaporation and crystallization
b) Decantation and settling
c) Evaporation and distillation
d) Distillation and fractional crystallization
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Answer: a
Explanation: The salt which must be soluble in reflux is recovered by Evaporation and crystallization.

6. Which is the most important problem in salt distillation?
a) Pollution
b) Corrosion
c) Not cost efficient
d) Requires large quantity of salts
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Answer: b
Explanation: Corrosion is the most important problem in salt distillation. Hence a stainless steel vessel is used.

7. _______ of potassium acetate can eliminate ethanol-water azeotrope.
a) Large concentrations
b) Low concentrations
c) Large amount
d) Small amounts
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Answer: b
Explanation: Low concentrations of potassium acetate can eliminate ethanol-water azeotrope.

8. In the column, the presence of dissolved salt my increase __________
a) Yield
b) Efficiency
c) Foaming
d) Residence time
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the column, the presence of dissolved salt my increase Foaming.

9. Why is the possibility of clogging and plugging unlikely?
a) Because salt is in solid state
b) Because the concentration of water increases down the column
c) Because the concentration of water decreases down the column
d) Because the concentration of methanol increases.
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Answer: b
Explanation: The possibility of clogging and plugging unlikely because the concentration of less volatile component like water increases down the column and thus it can dissolve salt.

10. Salt distillation can be applied to organic compounds that have little capacity of dissolving inorganic salts by using organic salts called?
a) Hydrotopes
b) Hygrotopes
c) Hydrostattic materials
d) Hydrating materials
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Answer: a
Explanation: Salt distillation can be applied to organic compounds that have little capacity of dissolving inorganic salts by using organic salts called Hydrotopes. Example: Alali and alkaline salts of sulphonates of toluene.

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