Geotechnical Engineering Questions and Answers – Single Grained and Honey Comb Structure

This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Single Grained and Honey Comb Structure”.

1. The force causing coarse-grained soil, deposition is ____________
a) Gravitational force
b) Surface force
c) Secondary valence force
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The major force causing deposition is gravitational since the surface forces are too small to be of practical importance.

2. Coarse- grained soil may be deposited in a _____________
a) Loose state
b) Dense state
c) Solid state
d) Liquid state
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Answer: a
Explanation: Coarse-grained soil may be deposited in a loose state having a high void ratio or in a dense state having a low void ratio.

3. Honey comb structure exist commonly in ___________
a) Grains of silts and Rock flour
b) Coarse-grained soil
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Honey comb structure exists in grain of silts or rock flour smaller than 0.02 m diameter and larger than 0.0002 mm.

4. The cells in the honey comb structure is made of ___________
a) Multi mineral grains
b) Single mineral grains
c) Multi layered structure
d) Platelets
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Answer: b
Explanation: Each cell in the honeycomb structure is made of numerous single mineral grain.

5. The structure of honey comb might be broken down due to ___________
a) Decrease in volume
b) Increase in volume
c) Excessive volume change
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Honey comb structure might be broken down with a resulting volume increase, by driving piles in to deposit of silt of honey comb structure.

6. Which of the following is correct, with respect to honey comb structure?
a) The structure has high void ratio and It can carry out heavy load
b) It has high compact structure
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The honey comb structure so formed has high void ratio and is capable of carrying a relatively heavy load without excessive volume change.

7. The diameter of coarse-grained soils having single grained structure is ____________
a) <0.002 mm
b) >0.002 mm
c) =0.002 mm
d) ≥0.002 mm
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Answer: b
Explanation: Coarse-grained soil of diameter >0.002 mm settle out of suspension in water as individual grains independently of the grain.

8. The Coarse-grained soil settle in suspension due to ____________
a) Gravitational force
b) Surface force
c) Weight of the grain
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The weight of the grains in coarse-grained soil causes them to settle and get to particle-to-particle contact on deposition.

9. Which of the following force play an important role in honey comb structure?
a) Adhesion force
b) Gravitational force
c) Surface force
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The surface forces at the contact areas of the honey comb structure, prevent the grains from rolling down immediately in to positions of equilibrium among the grains already deposited.

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