Past Participle Questions and Answers

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Past Participle”.

1. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

Where is the toy buy for our child?

a) Where is the toy bought for our child?
b) Where is the toy buyed our child?
c) Where is the toy bring for our child?
d) Where is the toy take for our child?
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here, the past participle of the verb “buy” is “bought”.

2. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

Revise the concepts teach by the teacher.

a) Revise the concepts teached by the teacher
b) Revise the concepts explain by the teacher
c) Recall the concepts teach by the teacher
d) Revise the concepts taught by the teacher
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, the past participle of the verb “teach” is “taught”.

3. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

I want a wrote document.

a) I want write document
b) I want a written document
c) I want a wroten document
d) I want a writing document
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here, the past participle of the verb “write” is “written”.

4. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

The burn dosa stuck to the pan.

a) The burning dosa stuck to the pan
b) The burned dosa stuck to the pan
c) The burnt dosa stuck to the pan
d) The burn dosa stick to the pan
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, the past participle of the verb “burn” is “burnt”.

5. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

The ship has sunken.

a) The ship has sinken
b) The ship has sunk
c) The ship has sink
d) The ship has been sunken
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here, the past participle of the verb “sink” is “sunk” not “sunken”.

6. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

The fall tree is blocking the tree.

a) The falled tree is blocking the tree
b) The fell tree is blocking the tree
c) The fallen tree is blocking the tree
d) The felt tree is blocking the tree
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, the past participle of the verb “fall” is “fallen”.

7. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

The steal car was found several kilometers away.

a) The stealed car was found several kilometers away
b) The stole car was found several kilometers away
c) The stealen car was found several kilometers away
d) The stolen car was found several kilometers away
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, the past participle of the verb “steal” is “stolen”.

8. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

The broke statue cannot be replaced.

a) The break statue cannot be replaced
b) The broken statue cannot be replaced
c) The breaken statue cannot be replaced
d) The broke statue could not be replaced
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here, the past participle of the verb “break” is “broken”.

9. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

Having been worked hard he got appreciation certificate.

a) Having worked hard he got appreciation certificate
b) Having been working hard, he got appreciation certificate
c) He was working hard and so he got appreciation certificate
d) He having been worked hard, he got appreciation certificate
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here the action is not reflecting on the subject itself, so “been” is not necessary here.

10. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

He has find the book that was lost.

a) He has finded the book that was lost
b) He has finding the book that was lost
c) He has found the book that was lost
d) He has find the book that are lost
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, the past participle of “find” is “found”.

11. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

He has drank the full bottle cool drink.

a) He has drink the full bottle cool drink
b) He has drunk the full bottle cool drink
c) He dranken the full bottle cool drink
d) He has drinken the full bottle cool drink
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here, the past participle of “drink” is “drunk”.

12. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

The old man has fell on the road because of the hot Sun.

a) The old man have falled on the road because of the hot Sun
b) The old man has fell on the road because of the hot Sun
c) The old man has fallen on the road because of the hot Sun
d) The old man was falled on the road because of the hot Sun
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here, the past participle of “fall” is “fallen”.

13. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

I took off my drench overcoat.

a) I took off my drenches overcoat
b) I take off my drench overcoat
c) I taken off my drench overcoat
d) I took off my drenched overcoat
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, the past participle of “drench” is “drenched”.

14. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

The chose picture was a portrait.

a) The chosen picture was a portrait
b) The choose picture was a portrait
c) The choice picture was a portrait
d) The choosen picture was a portrait
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here, the past participle of “choose” is “chosen”.

15. Correct the following sentence with the correct participle.

I have forgot to turn off the gas before going outside.

a) I have forgotted to turn off the gas before going outside
b) I have forgotten to turn off the gas before going outside
c) I has forgotted to turn off the gas before going outside
d) I has forgot to turn off the gas before going outside
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here, the past participle of “forget” is “forgotten”.

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers.

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