Conversion of Compound Sentences to Complex Sentences

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Transformation of Sentences – Conversion of Compound Sentences to Complex Sentences”.

1. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
Think carefully and you will be able to answer.
a) Think carefully so that you can answer
b) In order to answer you have to think carefully
c) If you think carefully, you will be able to answer
d) Think carefully because you have to answer
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Answer: c
Explanation: The compound sentence given in this question contains two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction ‘and’. To convert it into a complex sentence the coordinating conjunction is replaced by the subordinating conjunction ‘if’ in the answer statement.

2. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
She locked the door and left.
a) When she locked the door she left
b) She left after locking the door
c) She had to lock the door to leave
d) She locked the door before leaving
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Answer: a
Explanation: This compound sentence consists of the coordinating conjunction ‘and’ to connect the independent clauses. While a complex sentence contains one independent clause and one or more subordinate (dependent) clauses. In the correct option, the subordinate conjunction ‘When’ is used in the beginning of the sentence.

3. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
He had to obey the rules, or be dismissed.
a) He had to obey the rules to prevent being dismissed
b) He was compelled to obey the rules to prevent being dismissed
c) He obeyed the rules because he didn’t want to be dismissed
d) If he had not obeyed the rules, he would have been dismissed
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Answer: d
Explanation: The coordinate conjunction in this question statement is ‘or’. It joins two independent clauses showing a conditional statement. The conjunction ‘or’ is used to show possibilities or choices in a sentence. In the answer statement it is replaced by the conditional statement containing ‘If’ conjunction.

4. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
He was exhausted but he did not give up.
a) He did not give up although he was exhausted
b) In spite of being exhausted, he did not give up
c) He was exhausted and he did not give up
d) He did not give up despite being exhausted
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Answer: a
Explanation: The two independent clauses in this question are connected together by the use of the coordinate conjunction ‘but’. The conjunction ‘but’ connects ideas that contrast. It can be replaced by another conjunction that is a subordinating conjunction ‘although’ to make it a complex sentence.

5. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
Take some medical aid, or your health will degrade.
a) Take some medical aid so that your health does not degrade
b) Unless you take some medical aid, your health will degrade
c) You need to take some medical aid in order to save your health
d) Your health will degrade under the condition of not taking any medical aid
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Answer: b
Explanation: This sentence mentioned in this question statement consists of the coordinating conjunction ‘or’. It shows the condition that if medical aid is not taken then the health will degrade. To show conditional statement like this, we use subordinating conjunction ‘unless’ in the answer.

6. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
She was irritated, but remained calm.
a) Although she was irritated, she remained calm
b) She remained calm even after being irritated
c) She was irritated and calm at the same time
d) She had to remain calm despite being irritated
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Answer: a
Explanation: As we can see in this question that there are two contrasting ideas ‘irritated’ and ‘calm’ in the same sentence and these two are joined together with the help of the conjunction ‘but’. It is also used to introduce an added statement, usually something that is different from what is said before. The conjunction ‘Although’ is used in the answer statement which is a subordinating conjunction.

7. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
Eat healthy and you will stay healthy.
a) By eating healthy you will stay healthy
b) Eat healthy so that you can stay healthy
c) If you eat healthy, you will stay healthy
d) Eating healthy leads to a good health
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Answer: c
Explanation: The conjunction ‘and’ is a coordinating conjunction which is mentioned in this question statement. This conjunction is used to start a new sentence and relate it to the previous one or to join two words, phrases or clauses. To convert it into a complex sentence the subordinating conjunction ‘If’ is used in the answer statement.

8. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
He wishes to lose weight; therefore he is working out.
a) He is working out to lose weight
b) He is working out in order to lose weight
c) He is working out, that he may lose weight
d) He wishes to lose weight, hence he is working out
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Answer: c
Explanation: This particular compound sentence in the question has two completely independent clauses and they are joined together by the coordinating conjunction ‘therefore’. The conjunction ‘therefore’ is generally used to introduce a logical result or conclusion. It can also act as an adverb. It is simply replaced by the ‘that-clause’ in the answer statement. The use of ‘that-clause’ is common in a complex sentence.

9. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
She works in a store and stationaries are sold there.
a) She works in a store where stationaries are sold
b) She works in the stationary store
c) She works in a store to sell stationaries
d) Stationaries are sold by her in a store
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sentence given in this question statement consists of the coordinating conjunction ‘and’. If a compound sentence contains just two independent clauses you can convert it into a complex sentence by changing one of these independent clauses into a dependent clause. In the answer statement, the subordinating conjunction used is ‘where’.

10. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
I took a bite and headed out for the school.
a) After taking a bite I headed out for the school
b) When I took a bite I headed out for the school
c) I took a bite to head for the school
d) I had to take a bite to head out for the school
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the answer statement, the subordinating conjunction ‘When’ is used to convert the independent clauses in the compound sentence into dependent clauses. Dependent clauses are those clauses which need another phrase or clause to complete their meaning.

11. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
Know not, speak not.
a) If you do not know, do not speak
b) Speak only if you know
c) You should know if you want to speak
d) Know before speaking
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Answer: a
Explanation: This compound sentence given in the question does not contain any conjunction but the two independent clauses are separated and at the same time joined together by a comma. To make it a complex sentence it needs to have a dependent clause, hence the subordinating conjunction ‘if’ is used in the correct option.

12. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
You or she must confirm the deal.
a) The deal has to be confirmed by you or her
b) You and she must confirm the deal
c) The deal might be confirmed by you as well as her
d) Either you or she must confirm the deal
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Answer: d
Explanation: The sentence given in this question consists of the coordinating conjunction ‘or’ which represents two different alternatives or possibilities. To convert it into a complex sentence, it is replaced by the subordinating conjunction ‘either-or’.

13. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
She moved to a new apartment and it is out of the city.
a) She moved to a new apartment to live out of the city
b) She moved to a new apartment which is out of the city
c) There is a new apartment out of the city and she moved there
d) She had to move to a new apartment so that she could live out of the city
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Answer: b
Explanation: The compound sentence in this question has the coordinating conjunction ‘and’ mentioned in it. To convert this into a complex sentence the coordinating conjunction is replaced by subordinating conjunction ‘which’ in the given answer. Note that the word ‘which’ can also be used in interrogative statements.

14. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
She may not lose hope, therefore I care about her.
a) She may not lose hope, hence I care about her
b) I care about her, that she may not lose hope
c) I care about her and I do not want her to lose hope
d) I care about her as she might lose hope
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Answer: b
Explanation: The compound sentence given in this question has two independent clauses which are connected together by the coordinating conjunction ‘therefore’. This conjunction is used to specify a reason behind something. It can be converted into a complex sentence by using ‘that-clause’ in the answer statement.

15. Convert the following compound sentence to complex sentence.
Walk slowly, or you might suffocate.
a) You need to walk slowly if you do not want to suffocate
b) If you do not walk slowly, you will suffocate
c) You have to walk slowly to not to suffocate
d) By walking fast you will suffocate
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Answer: b
Explanation: The coordinating conjunction ‘or’ mentioned in the question statement is replaced by the subordinating conjunction ‘if’ in the answer statement. The two independent clauses in the question imply a condition. We can express the same idea using the subordinating conjunction ‘if’. Some other commonly used subordinating conjunctions are ‘as’, ‘since’, ‘when’, ‘which’, ‘whether’, ‘unless’ etc.

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