This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Compound Conjunctions”.
1. Find out the conjunction in the sentence.
You can stay here as long as you want.
a) You
b) can stay
c) as long as
d) want
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Explanation: The phrase ‘as long as’ is used as a Conjunction. A Conjunction is a word which links two words or phrases or clauses. This type of conjunctions are called ‘Compound Conjunctions. In this sentence, the phrase ‘as long as’ is used to link two clauses.
2. Find out the conjunction in the sentence.
She has to study hard so that she can pass the subject.
a) She
b) has
c) to study
d) so that
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Explanation: The phrase ‘so that’ is used as a Conjunction. In this sentence, it is used to link two clauses. The conjunction ‘so that’ is used to show purpose or to give an explanation in the sentence.
3. Find out the conjunction in the sentence.
We left the class as soon as the teacher left.
a) We
b) left
c) as soon as
d) the teacher
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Explanation: The phrase ‘as soon as’ is used as a Conjunction. It is used to show an action which is done simultaneously to another action in the sentence. In this sentence, it is used to link two clauses.
4. Find out the conjunction in the sentence.
I shall lend you my bike provided that you return it by evening.
a) I
b) provided that
c) you
d) return
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Explanation: The phrase ‘provided that’ is used as a Conjunction. Generally, Compound conjunctions are used to link two or more clauses or phrases. In this sentence, it is used to link two clauses. The phrase ‘provided that’ is generally used to indicate the condition in the sentence.
5. Find out the conjunction in the sentence.
Ricky speaks as if he knows everything.
a) Ricky
b) speaks
c) as if
d) he
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Explanation: The phrase ‘as if’ is used as a Conjunction. It is used to link two clauses. The phrase ‘as if’ is generally used to explain an action done by someone when one would do if something had happened.
6. Find out the conjunction in the sentence.
You can play in our team on a condition that you bring the ball.
a) You
b) can play
c) our team
d) on a condition that
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Explanation: The phrase ‘on a condition that’ is used as a Conjunction. It is used to link two clauses. The phrase ‘on a condition that’ is generally used to show a condition to something to happen.
7. Find out the conjunction in the sentence.
They looked as though they are quarreling.
a) They
b) looked
c) as though
d) are quarreling
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Explanation: The phrase ‘as though’ is used as a Conjunction. In this sentence, it is used to link two clauses. ‘As though’ is a synonym of ‘as if’. The phrase ‘as though’ is used to show a possible explanation for something.
8. Find out the conjunction in the sentence.
They had arranged the marriage in an open place in order that everybody can watch it.
a) They
b) had arranged
c) the marriage
d) in order that
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Explanation: The phrase ‘in order that’ is used as a Conjunction. In this sentence, it is used to link two clauses. The phrase ‘in order that’ is used to show purpose of something.
9. Find out the conjunction in the sentence.
Nikhil, as well as his brother, is studying Engineering.
a) Nikhil
b) as well as
c) his brother
d) is studying
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Explanation: The phrase ‘as well as’ is used as a Conjunction. In this sentence, it is used to link two clauses. The phrase ‘as well as’ is used to add some additional information in the sentence.
10. Find out the conjunction in the sentence.
I prepared for the paper such that I can write it with choice questions also.
a) I
b) prepared
c) for the paper
d) such that
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Explanation: The phrase ‘such that’ is used as a Conjunction. In this sentence, the phrase ‘such that’ is joining two clauses. One of the clause is main clause and other is subordinate clause. The conjunction is attached at the starting of the subordinate clause.
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