Phrase Prepositions Questions and Answers

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Phrase Prepositions”.

1. Find out the phrase preposition in the sentence.

The children are playing at the park.

a) The children
b) are
c) playing
d) at the park
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that ‘at’ is a preposition but the phrase ‘at the park’ is used as a preposition here. This type of phrases are called Prepositional phrases or Phrase preposition. They contain a preposition followed by an object.

2. Find out the phrase preposition in the sentence.

They served pizza instead of burgers.

a) They
b) served
c) instead of
d) burgers
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘of’ is used as a preposition. The phrase ‘instead of’ is used as a preposition. This is also a Phrase preposition. They can contain an adverb or an adjective in between the object and preposition.

3. Find out the phrase preposition in the sentence.

I will get to the class on time.

a) I
b) will
c) get
d) on time
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that the word ‘on’ is a preposition. The phrase ‘on time’ is used as phrase preposition. In a phrase preposition, the preposition is always followed by objects.

4. Find out the phrase preposition in the sentence.

He can complete the work with a little help.

a) He
b) with a little help
c) can
d) the work
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that the word ‘across’ is a preposition. The phrase ‘with a little help’ is used as a Phrase preposition. The word ‘with’ is followed by the word ‘a little’ which is an adjective describing the object ‘help’.

5. Find out the phrase preposition in the sentence.

Kiran hid under the bed.

a) Kiran
b) hid
c) under
d) under the bed
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that the word ‘under’ is a preposition. The phrase ‘under the bed’ is used as a Phrase preposition. The word ‘under’ is followed by the object ‘bed’.

6. Find out the phrase preposition in the sentence.

We met the teacher before the exam.

a) We
b) the teacher
c) before the exam
d) met
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that the word ‘before’ is a preposition. The phrase ‘before the exam’ is used as a Phrase preposition. The word ‘before’ is followed by the object ‘exam’. The word ‘the’ is an adjective which is placed in between the preposition and the object.

7. Find out the phrase preposition in the sentence.

We stayed all the night in the woods.

a) We
b) in the woods
c) stayed
d) all the night
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that the word ‘in’ is a preposition. The phrase ‘in the woods’ is used as a Phrase preposition. The word ‘in’ is followed by the object ‘woods’.

8. Find out the phrase preposition in the sentence.

The train has just passed through a tunnel.

a) The train
b) has
c) just passed
d) through a tunnel
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that the word ‘through’ is a preposition. The phrase ‘through a pannel’ is used as a Phrase preposition. The word ‘through’ is followed by the object ‘tunnel’.

9. Find out the phrase preposition in the sentence.

Why are you running around me?

a) Why
b) are
c) around me
d) running
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that the word ‘around’ is a preposition. The phrase ‘around me’ is used as a Phrase preposition. The word ‘around’ is followed by the object ‘me’.

10. Find out the phrase preposition in the sentence.

The baby crawled on the clean floor.

a) The baby
b) crawled
c) on
d) on the clean floor
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that the word ‘on’ is a preposition. The phrase ‘on the clean floor’ is used as a Phrase preposition. The word ‘on’ is followed by an adjective ‘the clean’ which describes the object ‘floor’.

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers.

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