Preposition Questions and Answers – Relations Expressed by Pronouns

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Preposition – Relations Expressed by Pronouns”.

1. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

The sweets are distributed among themselves.

a) The sweets
b) are distributed
c) among
d) themselves
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘among’ is used as a preposition. It describes where the sweets were distributed. It shows the relation between the verb and the object ‘themselves’. The word ‘Themselves’ is reflexive pronoun. They usually end with –self or –selves.

2. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

You have to wait until he is free.

a) You
b) have
c) wait
d) until
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘until’ is used as a preposition. This is a preposition for time. It describes about short time period or a particular time when he is free.

3. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

The tree was cut with an axe.

a) The tree
b) was cut
c) with
d) an axe
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘with’ is used as a preposition. In this sentence, the word ‘with’ describes the method or manner the tree was cut. It is a preposition for manner.

4. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

He died because of cancer.

a) He
b) died
c) because
d) because of
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that the word ‘of’ is a preposition. In this sentence, the phrase ‘because of’ is used as a preposition. It describes the reason or purpose of the object.

5. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

The teacher written the answer on the blackboard.

a) The teacher
b) written
c) on
d) blackboard
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘on’ is used as a preposition. It is used to express a particular day or date or a surface of something. This is an example of Preposition for place.

6. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

This temple was built in 13th century.

a) This
b) in
c) was built
d) century
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word ‘in’ is used as a preposition. It is an example of Preposition for time. It is used to describe a definite time in the past or a definite date or month or year.

7. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

The scene should be shot at the sunset.

a) The scene
b) should be
c) shot
d) at
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘at’ is used as a preposition. This is also a Preposition for time. It is used to describe a time in the clock or to describe a short time period.

8. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

Rahul is at the exhibition.

a) Rahul
b) is
c) at
d) the exhibition
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘at’ is used as a preposition. In this sentence, the word ‘at’ is used as a Preposition for place. It describes about a specific place.

9. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

Shiva is the topper of our class.

a) Shiva
b) is
c) the topper
d) of
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘of’ is used as a preposition. In this sentence, it describes about the possession of Shiva. It shows the relation between the word ‘topper’ and the object ‘class’.

10. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

 We are playing in the ground.

a) We
b) are playing
c) in
d) the ground
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘in’ is used as a preposition. In this sentence, the word ‘in’ is used to describe where they are playing. It is used as a preposition for place. It shows the relation between the verb and the object ‘ground’.

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers.

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