Future Tense Questions and Answers – Simple to Future Tense

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Simple to Future Tense”.

1. Rewrite the following sentence into future tense.

Ramu goes to school from Monday onwards.

a) Ramu will go to school from Monday onwards
b) Ramu go to school on Monday.
c) Ramu can go to school from Monday
d) Ramu could go to school from Monday onwards
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Answer: a
Explanation: The word “Monday” indicates future. So, the word “will “should be used in the verb form.

2. Rewrite the following sentence into future tense.

They stop work in the evening.

a) They may stop work in the evening
b) They could stop work in the evening
c) They will stop work in the evening
d) They might stop work in the evening
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word “evening” indicates future. So, the word “will” should be used in the verb form.

3. Rewrite the following sentence into future tense.

He never cleans his own room at all.

a) He would never cleans his own room at all
b) He dare not cleans his own room at all
c) He ought to clean his own room at all
d) He will never clean his room at all.
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Answer: d
Explanation: The sentence is in present tense. So, the word “will” should be used to convert the sentence to future.

4. Rewrite the following sentence into future tense.

I don’t go there at all.

a) I will not go there at all
b) I can go there at all
c) I could not go there at all
d) I might not go there at all
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sentence is in present tense. So, the word “will” should be used to convert the sentence to future.

5. Rewrite the following sentence into future tense.

I don’t buy cheap cloth.

a) I may buy a cheap cloth
b) I will not buy cheap cloth
c) I am not willing to buy a cheap cloth
d) I do not like to buy a cheap cloth
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Answer: b
Explanation: The sentence is in present tense. So, the word “will” should be used to convert the sentence to future.

6. Rewrite the following sentence into future tense.

The government is going to set up a library here.

a) The government sets up a library here
b) The government is setting up a library here.
c) The government set up a library here
d) The government will set up a library here.
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Answer: d
Explanation: Sometimes, Present tense word “is going to” also indicates future. And this word “ will” can be replaced in place of it and rewritten in the verb place.

7. Rewrite the following sentence into future tense.

She doesn’t agree to his proposal.

a) She did not agree to his proposal
b) She may not agree to his proposal
c) She will not agree to his proposal.
d) She should not agree to his proposal
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Answer: c
Explanation: The sentence is in present tense. So, the word “will” should be used to convert the sentence to future.

8. Rewrite the following sentence into future tense.

The examinations are going to begin next week.

a) The examinations begins next week
b) The examinations will begin next week.
c) The examinations began next week
d) The examinations may begin next week
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Answer: b
Explanation: Sometimes, Present tense word “is going to” also indicates future. And this word “ will” can be replaced in place of it and rewritten in the verb place.

9. Rewrite the following sentence into future tense.

Does he complete his work by tomorrow?

a) Will he complete his work by tomorrow?
b) Can he complete his work by tomorrow?
c) Did he complete his work by tomorrow?
d) Has he completed his work by tomorrow?
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sentence is in present tense in question form. So, the word “will” should be used to convert the sentence to future and rewritten in question form.

10. Rewrite the following sentence into future tense.

Do the boys play cricket today?

a) Can the boys play cricket today?
b) Will the boys play cricket today?
c) Does the boys play cricket today?
d) Could the boys play cricket today?
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Answer: b
Explanation: The sentence is in present tense in question form. So, the word “will” should be used to convert the sentence to future and rewritten in question form.

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers.

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