Conversion of Simple Sentences to Complex Sentences – Sub-ordinate Clause – Adjective Clause

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Transformation of Sentences – Conversion of Simple Sentences to Complex Sentences – Sub-ordinate Clause – Adjective Clause”.

1. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
He is the torch bearer.
a) He is the one who bears the torch
b) The torch is borne by him
c) He bears the torch
d) He plays the role of the torch bearer
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sentence in the question consists of the adjective clause ‘He is the’. To convert it into a complex sentence, the adjective clause needs to be expanded into a subordinate clause. Similarly in the answer statement, the adjective clause is expanded into the subordinate clause ‘He is the one who’, to convert it into a complex sentence.

2. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
I was the last to leave the room.
a) I left the room at last
b) The room was left by me at the last
c) I was the last who left the room
d) Lastly it was me who left the room
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Answer: c
Explanation: The simple sentence in the question is converted into a complex sentence by expanding the adjective clause into subordinate clause. It is done by adding the word ‘who’ in the answer statement. A subordinate clause is a clause that cannot be meaningful as a complete sentence because it is dependent upon a main clause to be meaningful.

3. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
She liked her traditional customs.
a) Her traditional customs were liked by her
b) Her customs were traditional which she liked
c) The customs were to be traditional to be liked by her
d) She likes customs only if they are traditional
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Answer: b
Explanation: The adjective clause of the question statement is expanded into a subordinate clause. Subordinate clause can also begin with relative pronouns such as ‘that’, ‘which’, ‘who’, ‘whom’, ‘whichever’, ‘whoever’ and ‘whose’. The answer statement consists of the subordinate clause ‘which she liked’.

4. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
The castle on the hill is haunted.
a) The castle which is on the hill is haunted
b) There is a castle on the hill that is haunted
c) There is a haunted castle on the hill
d) On the hill is the haunted castle
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Answer: a
Explanation: To convert the given question statement into a complex sentence, the adjective clause ‘on the hill’ is expanded into the subordinate clause by adding the word ‘which’ in the answer statement. In the answer statement it specifies the place of the castle, hence acts as a determiner.

5. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
This is not a place for people to smoke.
a) Smoking is prohibited in this place for people
b) This is not a place where people can smoke
c) This place is not to be used by people for smoking
d) People cannot smoke in this place
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the adjective clause is expanded into a subordinate clause, the conjunction ‘where’ is added in the answer statement. The clause with ‘where’ is a subordinate clause and needs a main clause to make it meaningful.

6. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
His excellent answer proves his wit.
a) His wit is proven by his excellent answer
b) The fact that his answer is excellent proves his wit
c) His excellent answer is the proof of his wit
d) His excellent answer is the reason why his wit is proven
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Answer: b
Explanation: The adjective clause of this question is ‘His excellent wit’. This word ‘excellent’ acts as an adjective of the sentence. It is expanded into a subordinate clause by adding ‘the fact that’ in the correct answer, hence making it a complex sentence.

7. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
He whispered unconsciously.
a) He was whispering in unconsciousness
b) He was unconscious when he whispered
c) He does unconscious whispering
d) He whispered although he was not conscious
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Answer: d
Explanation: The adjective clause in this question is ‘whispered unconsciously’. This is converted into a complex sentence by adding the conjunction ‘although’ to expand the adjective clause into subordinate clause. Conjunctions are usually added in the phrase to convert it into a clause (subordinate).

8. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
She wore her sister’s dress.
a) Her sister’s dress was worn by her
b) It was she who wore her sister’s dress
c) She wore the dress which belonged to her sister
d) She wore the dress which was her sister’s
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Answer: c
Explanation: In this question, the adjective clause is “her sister’s dress”. An adjective clause also called a relative clause is a type of dependent clause that works to describe a noun in a sentence. The words “which belonged to her sister” is used to expand the subordinate clause.

9. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
Only kids are forgiven.
a) If you are not a kid you cannot be forgiven
b) You can be forgiven only if you are a kid
c) Being a kid you can be forgiven
d) You can be forgiven only at the condition of being a kid
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sentence mentioned in the question consists of the adjective clause ‘Only kids’. The word ‘If’ is used to begin the sentence in the correct option as this is a complex sentence. Complex sentence can usually begin with conditional statements like ‘if’, ‘unless’, ‘until’ and so on.

10. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
I traced a crooked trail.
a) I traced a trail and it was crooked
b) The trail was crooked that I traced
c) I traced a trail that was crooked
d) A crooked trail was traced by me
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Answer: c
Explanation: The adjective clause in this simple sentence is ‘a crooked trail’. This adjective clause contains a subject and a verb and functions as an adjective in the sentence by describing that the trail was crooked. Hence in the answer, it is mentioned as ‘a trail that was crooked’.

11. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
It was a cold morning.
a) The morning was cold
b) It was a morning which was cold
c) The morning felt cold
d) It was morning and it was cold
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Answer: b
Explanation: This simple sentence contains the adjective clause ‘cold morning’. This adjective clause is expanded into a subordinate clause ‘morning which was cold’ to convert the given question statement into a complex sentence.

12. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
This park is hardly a place for people to visit.
a) This park is hardly a place where people can visit
b) This park is not a place to be visited by people
c) People hardly visit this park
d) This park is hardly visited by people
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given question statement is a simple sentence containing the adjective clause ‘hardly a place for people’. This adjective clause is converted into the subordinate clause ‘hardly a place where people can visit’ in the given correct option.

13. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
This fort is a place of historic value.
a) This fort is a historic place
b) This fort is historically valuable
c) This fort is a place which has historic value
d) This fort is a place which has historic value
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Answer: d
Explanation: To convert the given simple sentence in this question statement into a complex sentence the adjective clause in the sentence ‘place of historic value’ is expanded into the subordinate clause ‘which has historic value’ in the given answer statement.

14. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
The saint was satisfied in his little hut.
a) The saint was satisfied and his hut was little
b) It was a little hut in which the saint was satisfied
c) The saint was satisfied in his hut which was little
d) The saint was satisfied though his hut was little
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Answer: c
Explanation: The sentence given in the following question statement is converted into a complex sentence by using the subordinate clause ‘his hut which was little’ instead of the adjective clause ‘his little hut’ in the answer statement.

15. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
He bought an expensive watch.
a) An expensive watch was bought by him
b) He bought a watch which was expensive
c) It was an expensive watch that he bought
d) He bought a watch and it was expensive
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Answer: b
Explanation: The simple sentence mentioned in this question statement contains the adjective clause ‘an expensive watch’. The word ‘expensive’ acts as the adjective in the sentence. When this adjective clause is changed into the subordinate clause ‘which was expensive’, the sentence is converted from simple to complex.

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