This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Phrases”.
1. Identify adjective phraseused in the given sentence from the options given.
The officer from the income tax department seized the illegal goods.
a) seized the illegal goods
b) the income tax department
c) The officer
d) from the income tax department
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Explanation: The noun in the above sentence is “The officer”. An additional information about the noun is given through the phrase “from the income tax department” which acts as an adjective to the noun. Thus, it is the adjective phrase for the noun “The officer” in the sentence.
2. Identify the adjective phrasein the given sentence.
Meena was drenched with water after the heavy rain.
a) drenched with water
b) heavy rain
c) after the heavy rain
d) with water
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Explanation: Adjective phraseare the grouped words used as a description about the noun or pronoun. Here, “drenched with water” is the phrase used to describe how “Meena” appeared. Thus, it is the adjective phrase in the given sentence.
3. The adjective phrase used in the below sentence is _____________________
The diamond necklace that her sister bought was too expensive.
a) The diamond necklace
b) too expensive
c) her sister
d) bought was
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Explanation: The adjective phrase in a sentence is usually a group of words which provides additional detail about the subject ornoun or pronoun. Here, “too expensive” is the adjective phrase that describes more about the noun “the diamond necklace”.
4. Choose theadjective phrase in the given sentence.
Skimmed and pasteurized milk is the best choice to reduce fat and cholesterol.
a) best choice
b) fat and cholesterol
c) Skimmed and pasteurized
d) to reduce
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Explanation: In the given sentence, the main subject or noun is “milk”. The phrase “skimmed and pasteurized” are adjectives describing more about the main noun. Thus, it is the adjective phrase in the above sentence.
5. Identify the adjective phraseused in the given sentence from the options given.
Swathi looked extremely tired after the exam.
a) the exam
b) extremely tired
c) after
d) looked extremely tired
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Explanation: The verb here is “looked”. This verb is followed by adjective phrase, “extremely tired”. It tells more about the subject. It is hence an objectadjective phrase that is used to complete the predicate with more details about the main subject (Swathi).
6. Find the adjective phrasein the given sentence.
Japanese people usually live in houses built of wood to withstand earthquakes.
a) built of wood
b) withstand earthquakes
c) live in houses
d) usually live in
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Explanation: In the given sentence, “houses” is the object followed by theadjective phrase “built of wood”. It tells more about the object and acts as an adjective to the noun “houses”. Thus, it is an adjective phrase.
7. What is the adjective phrasein the given sentence?
My mother is a woman with a caring nature.
a) with a caring nature
b) woman
c) My mother
d) is a woman
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Explanation: In this sentence, the phrase “with a caring nature” describes about the subject “my mother”. Hence, it is anadjective phrase. Sometimes adjective phrase in a sentence could be an adjective (group of words) giving additional details about the subject /object.
8. Identify the adjective phrase in the sentence given.
The biriyani that my friend made tastes delicious and flavourful.
a) my friend
b) delicious and flavourful
c) that my friend made
d) tastes delicious
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Explanation: Here, the subject ‘The biriyani’ is followed by a phrase “tastes delicious and flavourful” which acts as anadjective phrase that supports the subject. Any adjective that joins with a group of relevant words and provides additional details on the subject is called anadjective phrase.
9. The adjective phrase inthegiven sentenceis _____
Divya loves eating spicy crispy chips during tea break.
a) loves eating
b) spicy crispy
c) during tea break
d) chips
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Explanation: Here, the subject ‘Divya’ isfollowed by an object (chips) and anadjective phrase to describe the object “spicy crispy”. It sounds like an adjective to the object as it describes more about it and is thus an adjective phrase.
10. The adjective phrase in the given sentence is _____
Oviya, Kumar’s sister, came back from London yesterday.
a) came back from
b) yesterday
c) Kumar’s sister
d) Kumar’s sister
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Explanation: Here, the subject ‘Oviya’ is followed by an adjective phrase “who is Kumar’s sister” to describe her relation to ‘Kumar’. It sounds like an adjective to the object as it describes more about it and is thus an adjective phrase.
More English Grammar Exercises on Phrases:
- Phrases Exercises (Set 2) – Adjective Phrase
- Phrases Exercises (Set 3) – Adverb Phrase
- Phrases Exercises (Set 4) – Noun Phrase
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