Formation of Adverbs Questions and Answers – Compounded with Prepositions

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Formation of Adverbs – Compounded with Prepositions”.

1. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

I love to randomly share my thoughts.

a) love
b) to
c) randomly
d) share
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘randomly’ is used as an Adverb. It describes the main verb ‘share’. We can see that there is a preposition used to interlink the main clause ‘I love’ with verbal clause. Verbal clause are dependent and are not complete without main clause.

2. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

The cinema is going to start now.

a) cinema
b) going
c) start
d) now
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘Now’ is used as an adverb. It describes the verb ‘start’. You can recognize an adverb in a sentence by recognizing the function of the word in the sentence.

3. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

The Tortoise is moving so slowly.

a) Tortoise
b) is
c) moving
d) so slowly
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Phrase ‘so slowly’ is used as an adverb. It modifies the verb ‘moving’. It describes how it moves. Mostly many adverbs have ‘Ly’ in their end.

4. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

They cheered loudly and happily to support their team.

a) They
b) cheered
c) loudly and happily
d) support
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Phrase ‘Loudly and happily’ is used as an adverb. It describes how they cheered. The preposition ‘to’ is used to link the verbal clause to the main clause.

5. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

He likes going in everywhere alone.

a) likes
b) going
c) in everywhere
d) alone
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that the word ‘in’ is a preposition. But the phrase ‘In everywhere’ is used as an adverb. It modifies the verb. It describes where he likes to go.

6. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

I can move in normally to my place.

a) can
b) normally
c) to
d) my place
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word ‘normally’ is used as an adverb. It modifies the verb. The word ‘in’ is a preposition. It is used to link the main phrase to the adverbial phrase.

7. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

Why are you driving around in these circles without getting anywhere?

a) are
b) driving
c) around
d) without
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘Around’ is used as an adverb. It modifies the verb. It describes where he is driving. The word ‘in’ is used as a preposition to link the verbal phase to the main phase.

8. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

Tina sang a song while dinner.

a) Tina
b) sang
c) song
d) while
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘while’ is used as an adverb. It modifies the verb. It describes when she sang the song. We know that ‘while’ is a preposition but it changes the action verb in the sentence.

9. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

Get inside quickly!

a) Get
b) inside
c) quickly
d) inside quickly
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘inside’ is a preposition. But the phrase inside quickly acts as an adverb as there is no object to modify. The phrase modifies the verb ‘get’.

10. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

The funeral went in total silence.

a) funeral
b) went
c) in total silence
d) silence
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘in’ is a preposition. The phrase ‘in total silence’ is used us an adverb as it modifies the action verb. It describes how the funeral was done.

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers.

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