English Grammar Exercises – Adverb Clauses of Result and Consequence

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Adverb Clauses of Result and Consequence”.

1. Identify adverb clause of result/ consequence used in the given sentence from the options given.
She was such a sweet girl that everyone in her class adores her.
a) She was such a sweet girl
b) everyone in her class
c) a sweet girl that everyone in her class adores
d) such a sweet girl that
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Answer: d
Explanation: The noun in the above sentence is “she” followed by the verb “was”. The main clause in the given sentence is “She was such a sweet girl” which is the independent clause in the given sentence. The remaining dependent clause is “that everyone in her class adores her”. The clause “such a sweet girl that” acts as an adverb clause of result/consequence supporting the verb ‘adores her’. Thus, it is the adverb clause of result/consequence of ‘such a sweet girl’ in the given sentence.

2. Identify the adverb clause of result/ consequence in the given sentence.
Shalini is so beautiful that even the judges were jealous of her appearance.
a) Shalini is so beautiful
b) even the judges were jealous
c) so beautiful that
d) jealous of her appearance
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Answer: c
Explanation : The independent clause in the above sentence is “Shalini is so beautiful” followed by the dependent clause “that even the judges were jealous of her appearance”. The clause “so beautiful that” that acts as an adverb clause. The result of this clause is ‘that even the judges were jealous’. Thus, it is the adverb clause of result/ consequence in the given sentence.

3. The adverb clause of result/ consequence used in the below sentence is _____________________
The tea was so hot that it burnt my lips while trying to sip it.
a) The tea was so hot
b) it burnt my lips
c) so hot that
d) while trying to sip it
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Answer: c
Explanation: The adverb clause of result/consequence in a sentence is usually a group of words or a short dependent clause which provides additional detail about the action and its result in the given in main clause. Here, “so hot that” is the adverb clause of result/consequence that describes the result in the main clause, ‘burnt my lips’ and answers the question “what was the result of the tea being so hot?”. It is a reasoning statement about the main clause, “The tea was so hot”.

4. Choose the adverb clause of result/consequence in the given sentence.
The boy was such a brilliant student that his principal awarded him a medal.
a) his principal awarded him a medal
b) The boy was such a brilliant student
c) that his principal awarded him
d) such a brilliant student that
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the given sentence, the main clause is “The boy was such a brilliant student”. The clause “that his principal awarded him a medal” is the subordinate clause. The given sentence contains adverbs describing more about the result/consequence (his principal awarded him a medal) through the adverb clause of result, “such a brilliant student that”. Thus, “such a brilliant student that” is the adverb clause of result/consequence in the above sentence.

5. Identify the adverb clause of result/consequence used in the given sentence from the options given.
The building near the church was so old that no one was ready to buy it.
a) The building near the church
b) so old that
c) no one was ready to buy it
d) the church was so old
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Answer: b
Explanation: The noun here is “The building” along with the prepositional adjective, “near the church”. The verb here is “was” followed by the adverb clause of result/consequence, “so old that”. It tells more about the reason for the result/consequence, ‘no one was ready to buy it. It is hence an adverb clause of result/consequence that is used to complete result or consequence of the fact ‘was so old’.

6. Find the adverb clause of result/consequence in the given sentence.
The officer was such a brave man that he fought the thieves all alone and arrested them.
a) such a brave man that
b) The officer was such a brave man
c) that he fought the thieves all alone
d) all alone and arrested them
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the given sentence, “The officer” is the subject followed by the verb “was”. The adverb clause of result/consequence is “such a brave man that”. An adverb clause of result/consequence is a dependent clause that acts as an adverb to the independent clause and mentions the reason of result in the sentence. Here, the adverb clause ‘such a brave man that’ gives the fact which justifies the action ‘he fought the thieves all alone and arrested them’.

7. What is the adverb clause of result/consequence in the given sentence?
He was so sad that he did not eat anything the whole day.
a) so sad that
b) eat anything the whole day
c) he did not eat
d) He was so sad
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Answer: a
Explanation: In this sentence, the noun is ‘he’, the verb is ‘was’ followed by the clause “so sad that” describes about the result of action ‘sad’ in the latter part of the sentence through the independent clause “he did not eat anything the whole day”. Hence, it is an adverb clause of result/consequence.

8. Identify the adverb clause of result/consequence in the sentence given.
Tharun spoke so silently that even the person sitting next to him could not hear his voice.
a) the person sitting next to him
b) so silently that
c) Tharun spoke so silently
d) could not hear his voice
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here, the independent clause is ‘the person sitting next to him could not hear his voice’. The clause “so silently that” is the adverb clause of result/consequence describing the result of the action “the person sitting next to him could not hear his voice” in the main clause. Any adverb that provides additional details on the result of action being/to be done in main clause is called an adverb clause of result/consequence. Thus, “so silently that” is the adverb clause of result/consequence.

9. The adverb clause of result/ consequence in the given sentence is _____
The man is such a gentleman that everyone at his office respects him for his character.
a) respects him for his character
b) The man is such a gentleman
c) everyone at his office respects him
d) such a gentleman that
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, the subject is “The man” followed by the verb ‘is’. An adverb clause of result/consequence, “such a gentleman that” is used in the given sentence to describe the consequence “everyone at his office respects him for his character”. It is a short clause that acts as an adverb to the result in main clause and is thus the adverb clause of result/consequence.

10. The word ‘too bright to’ is the adverb clause of result/consequence in the given sentence. State whether this statement is true/false.
It was a sunny day and the sky was too bright to see with naked eyes.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The clause “too bright to” gives the detail on the result ‘see with naked eyes’. The given statement is compound complex and has two conjunctions, “and” along with “too…to”. Hence, the statement given is true. The word ‘too bright to’ is an adverb of result/consequence. It explains why can’t the sky be seen with naked eyes and completes the fact in the sentence that it was a sunny day.

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