Adjectives used as Nouns Questions and Answers – Set 2

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Adjectives used as Nouns – Set 2”.

1. Choose the correct option.

The phrase “long and short” is an adjective that acts as a noun.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The phrase “long and short” is an adjective that acts as a noun. For example: The long and short of him is that he is a hypocrite. In this sentence the adjective phrase “long and short” acts as a noun.

2. Fill in the blanks.

The phrase “thick and thin” is a/an ________

a) Superlative Degree adjective of comparison
b) Adjective used as noun
c) Comparative Degree adjective of comparison
d) Positive Degree adjective of comparison
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Answer: b
Explanation: The phrase “thick and thin” is an adjective used as a noun. For example: We had to go through to thick and thin to achieve success. In this sentence “thick and thin”, a generally descriptive phrase has been used as noun.

3. Identify the adjective used as a noun in the given sentence.

The elders took us home after the programme.

a) Programme
b) Elders
c) Home
d) Took
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word “elders” used in the given sentence is an adjective used as a noun. It has been derived from the Positive Degree adjective of comparison “elder”.

4. Identify the adjective used as noun in the given sentence.

The machine was built in secret.

a) Machine
b) Built
c) Secret
d) In secret
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Answer: d
Explanation: The phrase “in secret” used in the given sentence is an adjective used as a noun and it has been derived from the Positive Degree adjective “secretive”.

5. Identify the adjective used as a noun in the given sentence.

In future India is expected to have a phenomenal economic development.

a) Phenomenal
b) Development
c) Future
d) Economic
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word “future” used in the given sentence is an adjective which when used along with the word “in” acts as a noun. The word “phenomenal” is also an adjective but it doesn’t represent a noun.

6. Identify the adjective used as a noun in the given sentence.

A few Italians used to run a restaurant in my town.

a) Few
b) Italians
c) Restaurant
d) Town
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word “Italians” in the given sentence is an adjective that acts as a noun depicting actual people and not just the nationality.

7. Identify the adjective used as a noun from the given options.
a) Cautious
b) Minors
c) Inexplicable
d) Pretentious
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Answer: b
Explanation: The adjective “minors” in the given sentence acts as noun whereas all the other given options are Positive Degree adjectives of comparison.

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