Comparison of Adverbs Questions and Answers – Adverbs ending with – ly

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Comparison of Adverbs – Adverbs ending with – ly”.

1. Which of the following words ending with –ly is an adverb?
a) Fly
b) Wobbly
c) Bully
d) Extremely
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Answer: d
Explanation: “Fly” is a verb, “wobbly” is an adjective, and “bully” is a noun. In the phrase “extremely sad”, the word “extremely” is used to describe the adjective “sad”. Hence, out of the given options, “extremely” is the adverb.

2. Complete the sentence with the most suitable adverb.

The prince and his wife lived ______ ever after.

a) cruelly
b) happily
c) mortally
d) probably
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Answer: b
Explanation: It’s not sufficient if a sentence is grammatically sound. The sentence should also make sense. The answer is: The prince and his wife lived happily ever after.

3. Which of the following is the adverb form of the noun “force”?
a) forcely
b) forcilly
c) forcibly
d) forcly
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Answer: c
Explanation: The adverb form of “force” is “forcibly”. Example: The rioters were forcibly removed from the plaza.

4. Convert the sentence such that the adverb becomes an adjective.

James drives dangerously.

a) James is a dangerous driving.
b) James makes driving dangerous.
c) James is a dangerous driver.
d) James is a dangerously driver.
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Answer: c
Explanation: The adverb in the sentence is “dangerously”, and its adjective form is “dangerous”. In order to convert the adverb to an adjective, the verb being described should be converted to a noun. Hence, the verb “drives”, becomes the noun “driver”. The answer is: James is a dangerous driver.

5. Complete the sentence with the most suitable adverb.

Anu __________ dropped the porcelain mug.

a) accidentally
b) beautifully
c) hungrily
d) dutifully
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Answer: a
Explanation: It’s not sufficient if a sentence is grammatically sound. The sentence should also make sense. From the context, it sounds like an accident. So, the answer is: Anu accidentally dropped the porcelain mug.

6. Which of the following adverbs has been formed from an adjective that ends with “y”?
a) Sadly
b) Happily
c) Bravely
d) Carefully
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Answer: b
Explanation: The adjective of “happily” is “happy”. For adjectives that end with y, the adverb is formed by replacing the y with –ly. Hence the adverb form of “happy” is “happily”.

7. Convert the sentence such that the adjective becomes an adverb.

Priya is a very skillful cook.

a) Priya cooks very skillfully.
b) Priya cooks very skillful.
c) Priya makes a skillful cook.
d) Priya is a very skillfully cook.
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Answer: a
Explanation: The adjective in the sentence is “skillful”, and its adverb form is “skillfully”. In order to convert the adjective to an adverb, the noun being described should be converted to a verb. Hence, the noun “cook”, becomes the verb “cooks”. The answer is: Priya cooks very skillfully.

8. The adverb form of “good” is “goodly”.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: False. There is no word such as “goodly”. The adverb form of “good” is said to be “well”. Eg: “Jack is a good student.” becomes “Jack studies well.”

9. Which of the following is an adverb that can be used in place of “every year”?
a) yearly
b) forever
c) annually
d) daily
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Answer: c
Explanation: Something that happens every year is said to be an “annual” event. “Annual” is an adjective, and its adverb form “annually”. “Yearly” is not an adverb, it’s an adjective.

10. If the adjective end with –le, its adverb ends with _____
a) -ly
b) -ley
c) -liy
d) -lay
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Answer: a
Explanation: If the adjective end with –le, its adverb ends with -ly. Eg: terrible becomes terribly.

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