Verbs Questions and Answers – Incomplete Predication – Set 2

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Verbs – Incomplete Predication – Set 2”.

1. Identify the Complement of the verb.

We went to the market.

a) We
b) Went
c) The
d) Market
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Answer: d
Explanation: The complement of the verb is used to make the sense offered by the verb in the sentence complete. In this case the word “market” acts as the Complement of the verb.

2. Identify the Completion of the Predicate.

The books are dusty.

a) The
b) Books
c) Are
d) Dusty
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the given sentence, the word “dusty” has been used as the Completion of the Predicate as it is used to make the sense offered by the verb in the sentence.

3. Identify the Complement of the verb.

She appears to be happy.

a) She
b) Appears
c) To
d) Happy
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the given sentence, the word “happy” plays the role of the Complement of the verb as it has been used to make the sense put forth by the verb in the sentence.

4. Identify the Subjective complement.

Jasmines smell very pleasant for many days.

a) Jasmines
b) Very
c) Pleasant
d) Days
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the given sentence, the word “pleasant” acts as a subjective complement as it plays the role of supporting the subject “jasmine” in order to complete the predication offered by the verb “smell”.

5. Identify the objective complement in the given sentence.

Workout has made his body strong.

a) Workout
b) Body
c) Made
d) Strong
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the given sentence, the word “workout” plays the role of an objective complement as it supports the object “body” in order to complete predication.

6. Identify the subjective complement in the given sentence.

The room is to let.

a) The
b) Room
c) Let
d) Is
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the given sentence, the word “let” acts as a Subjective complement as it is used to denote the subject “room” to make the sense offered by the verb.

7. Identify the objective complement in the given sentence.

This made him jealous.

a) This
b) Made
c) Him
d) Jealous
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word “jealous” used in the given sentence acts as a complement to the object “him” so as to complete predication. Therefore, it plays the role of an Objective complement.

8. Identify the sentence with the verb of Incomplete predication.
a) The dog slept late
b) The bowl was filled with soup
c) He seems upset
d) The tree grew tall
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the sentence “he looks upset”, the verb “seems” acts as a verb of incomplete predication as, if the complement “upset” is removed, the sentence wouldn’t make sense.

9. Identify the sentence with the objective complement.
a) They named the puppy Choco
b) Roses are red
c) Chocolate tastes wonderful
d) I became a doctor
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the sentence “they named the puppy Choco”, the word “Choco” acts as an objective complement supporting the object “puppy”, but in the other option, the words “red”, “wonderful” and “doctor” act as Subjective complements.

10. Identify the sentence with the Verb of Incomplete predication.
a) This house looks beautiful
b) I walked all day
c) We played tennis
d) He studied in class
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the sentence “this house looks beautiful”, the verb “looks” acts as a verb of incomplete predication as, if the word “beautiful” is removed, the sentence wouldn’t make sense.

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers.

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