Adverbs Questions and Answers

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Adverbs”.

1. Which of the following kinds of words does an adverb NOT modify the meaning of?
a) a verb
b) a noun
c) an adjective
d) an adverb
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Answer: b
Explanation: An adverb doesn’t modify the meaning of a noun. A noun is described by an adjective. Adverbs are words which describe/modify the meaning of verbs, other adverbs and adjectives.

2. “Fastly” is a legitimate adverb.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: “Fastly” isn’t an adverb. In fact, it isn’t even a word. Fast is a rare word that is used both as an adjective and an adverb. Hence, the statement is false.

3. Point out the adverb in the sentence.

Arjuna respectfully sat at his teacher’s feet.

a) respectfully
b) Arjuna
c) feet
d) at
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Answer: b
Explanation: Adverbs are words which describe/modify the meaning of verbs, other adverbs and adjectives. In this sentence, the word “respectively” describes the way in which Arjuna sat, “sat” being a verb. Hence, the adverb in this sentence is “respectfully”.

4. The adverb “very” describes ________
a) only verbs
b) only adjectives
c) verbs and adverbs
d) adjectives and adverbs
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Answer: d
Explanation: The adverb “very” is used to describe both adjectives as well as adverbs. Eg: Both “very quick” and “very quickly” are grammatically accepted, where “quick” is an adjective and “quickly” is an adverb.

5. Identify the word which is an adverb as well as an adjective.
a) Straight
b) Beautiful
c) Sad
d) Artistic
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Answer: a
Explanation: The word “straight” is both an adjective as well as an adverb. It doesn’t require an –ly at the end to convert it to an adverb. The other options though, are adjectives whose –ly forms become their respective adverbs.

6. Change the sentence suitably such that the adverb is converted to an adjective.

She danced beautifully.

a) Her dance was beautifully.
b) The way she danced was beautiful.
c) She danced with beauty.
d) She was beautiful.
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the sentence in the question, the action being described by the adverb is “dancing”. Hence, which changing up the sentence to convert the adjective to an adverb, the meaning of the sentence should not be lost. Since the adverb is being converted to an adjective, the action word should be converted to a noun that can be described by the adjective. So “danced” becomes “the way she danced”, where “the way” is the noun element. Hence, the answer is: The way she danced was beautiful.

7. Which of the following is NOT an adverb?
a) carefully
b) caringly
c) quite
d) quiet
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Answer: d
Explanation: The other options are adverbs as they describe/modify the meaning of verbs, other adverbs and adjectives. “Quiet”, on the contrary is an adjective, that describes nouns.

8. Point out the adverb in the sentence.

The biker sustained a very serious injury.

a) injury
b) The
c) very
d) serious
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word “very” describes how serious the injury is, where the word “serious” is an adjective. Hence in this sentence, the word “very” is an adverb,

9. In the given sentence, what does the adverb describe?

The girl sat close to her mother in the bus.

a) The quantity with which the girl sat
b) The time the girl sat
c) The location where the girl sat
d) The manner in which the girl sat
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Answer: b
Explanation: This sentence talks about WHERE the girl sat, with respect to her mother. Hence, the adverb “close”, describes the positioning of the girl, that is, the place where she sat, where “sat” is the verb being described by “close”.

10. Modify the sentence such that the adjective gets converted to an adverb.

It is evident that this man is the culprit.

a) Evidently this man is the culprit.
b) There is evidence that this man is the culprit.
c) There is evidently that this man is the culprit.
d) It is evidence that this man is a culprit.
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Answer: a
Explanation: In this sentence, “evident” is the adjective that needs to be converted to an adverb, that is, “evidently”. “Evident” describes scenario in which that man is a criminal. Hence, it is describing a noun. In order to use “evidently”, a verb should be described. Hence the scenario (noun form) is converted to the action by virtue of which the man is a criminal. So, the answer is: Evidently this man is the culprit.

More English Grammar Exercises on Adverbs:

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