Idioms Questions and Answers – Set 9

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Idioms – Set 9”.

1. The meaning of the below idiom is ‘to triumph over’.
To crow over.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: ‘To crow over’ means to triumph over an enemy. For example, ‘It is not brave to crow over a weak enemy’.

2. Select a suitable idiom to replace the italicized part of the below sentence.
She started for London early this morning.
a) set aside
b) set off
c) set about
d) set upon
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Answer: b
Explanation: Among the options ‘set off’ is closest in meaning to the italicized word. Thus, the sentence can be written as ‘She set off for London early this morning’.

3. Identify the meaning of the idiom ‘washing one’s dirty linen in public’ from the following options.
a) telling lies
b) washing clothes in public
c) listening to other’s private chats
d) discussing unpleasant private matters before strangers
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Answer: d
Explanation: The idiom ‘washing one’s dirty linen in public’ means talking about unpleasant matters in public. An example for its usage will be ‘It’s awful to watch them washing one’s dirty linen in public’.

4. What is the meaning of the sentence ‘The self-made millionaire is suspected of feathering his own nest’?
a) The millionaire made money unfairly
b) The millionaire worked hard for achieving this status
c) The millionaire has inherited the money from his ancestors
d) The millionaire is in possession of black money
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Answer: a
Explanation: ‘Earning money in an unfair manner’ is the meaning of the idiom ‘feathering his own nest’. Thus, the option ‘The millionaire made money unfairly’ is the correct meaning.

5. Select the idiom which means ‘to offer resistance’.
a) held out
b) held away
c) held up
d) held over
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Answer: a
Explanation: From the options, the idiom ‘held out’ means ‘to offer resistance’. Consider this sentence ‘The protesting members held out for about a week’.

6. ‘Johnson found it insulting to be the leader’ is the meaning of the below sentence.
Johnson told his manager that it was insulting to be led by the nose.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: ‘To be led by the nose’ means to follow subserviently. Thus, the sentence says that Johnson finds it insulting to follow submissively whatever the manager says.

7. Choose the idiom which is closest in meaning to the italicized part.
The work pressure is affecting his health.
a) telling upon
b) telling against
c) telling for
d) telling to
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Answer: a
Explanation: The idiom ‘telling upon’ has the closest meaning to ‘affecting’. The sentence can be rephrased as ‘The work pressure is telling upon his health’.

8. Select the option which expresses the meaning of the idiom ‘at daggers drawn’.
a) at the point of death
b) a deadly struggle
c) strained relations
d) trembled with fear
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Answer: c
Explanation: ‘At daggers drawn’ generally refers to relationships that are strained. Consider the sentence, ‘After their joint firm incurred losses, they are at daggers drawn’.

9. The sentence ‘All his business ideas came to smoke’ refers to which of the following meanings?
a) All his business enterprises suffered fire accident
b) All his ideas came to nothing
c) All his ideas made a good fortune
d) All his ideas were costly
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Answer: b
Explanation: The given sentence refers to the meaning that all his business ideas became an exercise in futility producing no useful results.

10. Which of the following idioms means ‘to support’?
a) stand it out
b) standing up for
c) stand over
d) stand by
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Answer: d
Explanation: Consider the sentence, ‘We can push our demands to the management if we stand by each other’ meaning that the demands can be taken to the management if each member supports the other.

11. Identify the idiom in the below sentence and its meaning.
Two years ago he was a fledgling tyro, but he is now at the top of the tree.
a) at the top of the tree – on the top of a skyscraper
b) fledgling tyro – inexperienced
c) at the top of the tree – at the top of his profession
d) fledgling tyro – a bad person
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Answer: c
Explanation: The idiom in the above sentence is ‘at the top of the tree’ and not ‘fledgling tyro’. The sentence refers to his transformation from an inexperienced person to being at the top of his profession.

12. From the options, select an idiom to replace the italicized part.
The tube light broke when it was hit by a cricket ball.
a) gave in
b) gave off
c) gave out
d) gave way
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Answer: d
Explanation: ‘Gave way’ can be used to replace ‘broke’. The other options ‘gave in’ means to yield, ‘gave off’ means to emit, ‘gave out’ means exhausted.

13. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom ‘a far cry’.
a) lack of amusement
b) a bitter grief
c) not an easy transition
d) a sad situation
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Answer: c
Explanation: The idiom ‘a far cry’ generally means a difficult transition. For example, ‘It is a far cry from dictatorship to democracy’.

14. From the options select the meaning of the below sentence.
I was instructed to set him down.
a) I was instructed to make him feel settled
b) I was instructed to find him a place for accommodation
c) I was instructed to snub him
d) I was instructed to pacify him
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Answer: c
Explanation: The idiom ‘set him down’ means ‘to ignore him’ or ‘to snub him’. Thus, among the options ‘I was instructed to snub him’ is the required answer.

15. Find the idiom which means ‘to be in complete agreement’.
a) draw the line
b) to see eye to eye
c) a bone of contention
d) hung on his lips
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Answer: b
Explanation: ‘I did not expect the manager to see eye to eye with my plan for cost savings’. Here, the idiom ‘at one’ is used to express the fact that they had the same opinion or suggestion.

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