This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Adverb Clauses of Cause or Reason”.
1. Identify adverb clause of cause/reason used in the given sentence from the options given.
Sita was worried about attending the meeting tomorrow since she had not prepared the files for it.
a) she has not prepared the files for it
b) Sita was worried
c) worried about attending the meeting tomorrow
d) since she had not prepared the files for it
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Explanation: The noun in the above sentence is “Sita” followed by the verb “was worried”. The main clause in the given sentence is “Sita was worried about attending the meeting tomorrow” which is the independent clause in the given sentence. The remaining dependent clause is “since she had not prepared the files for it” that acts as an adverb clause of cause/reason supporting the verb ‘was worried’. Thus, it is the adverb clause of cause/ reason in the given sentence.
2. Identify the adverb clause of cause/ reason in the given sentence.
Patel, the managing director of this company, cannot meet you as he left to Mumbai for an urgent meeting.
a) the managing director of this company
b) as he left to Mumbai for an urgent meeting
c) cannot meet you as he left
d) he left to Mumbai for an urgent meeting
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Explanation: The adverb clause “as he left to Mumbai for an urgent meeting” supports the main clause and tells the reason for the action (cannot meet you today). Thus, it is the adverb clause of cause/ reason in the given sentence.
3. The adverb clause of cause/ reason used in the below sentence is _____________________
Keerthi helped the little boy because he did not have any money.
a) he did not have any money
b) Keerthi helped the little boy
c) helped the little boy because
d) because he did not have any money
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Explanation: The adverb clause of cause/ reason in a sentence is usually a group of words or a dependent clause which provides additional detail about action verb. Here, “because he did not have any money” is the adverb clause of cause/ reason that describes more about the cause/ reason of the action in the main clause, “Keerthi helped the little boy” and answers the question “what is the cause and effect of the verb?”. It is a reasoning statement about the verb “helped the little boy”.
4. Choose the adverb clause of cause/ reason in the given sentence.
The girl’s leg was badly hurt so she limped while walking.
a) limped while walking
b) leg was badly hurt
c) so she limped while walking
d) The girl’s leg was badly hurt
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Explanation: In the given sentence, the main clause is “The girl’s leg was badly hurt”. The clause “so she limped while walking” contains adverbs describing more about the cause (leg was badly hurt) and gives a statement about the effect of the cause, that is, the verb done (limped while walking). Thus, it is the adverb clause of cause/ reason in the above sentence.
5. Identify the adverb clause of cause/ reason used in the given sentence from the options given.
Because her mom is a doctor, she couldn’t find time to go on a family vacation.
a) she couldn’t find time to go on a family vacation
b) Because her mom is a doctor
c) to go on a family vacation
d) her mom is a doctor
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Explanation: The noun here is “she”. The verb here is “couldn’t find time” and the object is “to go on a family vacation”. The adverb clause of cause/ reason, “because her mom is a doctor”. It tells more about the cause/ reason of action, ‘couldn’t find time. It is hence an adverb clause of cause/ reason that is used to complete the independent clause ‘she couldn’t find time to go on a family vacation’ with more details about the cause of action.
6. Find the adverb clause of cause/ reason in the given sentence.
The officer did not take the woman’s case since he thought that she was guilty of charges.
a) since he thought that she was guilty of charges
b) The officer did not take the woman’s case
c) she was guilty of charges
d) did not take the woman’s case
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Explanation: In the given sentence, “The officer” is the subject followed by the verbs are “did not take” and the object is “the woman’s case”. The adverb clause of cause/ reason is “since he thought that she was guilty of charges”. An adverb clause of cause/ reason is a dependent clause that acts as an adverb to the independent clause and mentions the cause and effect of the action being done by the noun in the sentence. Here, the adverb clause answers the question “why did the officer not take the case?” and is thus an adverb clause of cause/ reason.
7. What is the adverb clause of cause/ reason in the given sentence?
He rejected the offer as a manager at the leading company since the company’s location was far away from his hometown.
a) the company’s location was far away
b) He rejected the offer as a manager
c) since the company’s location was far away from his hometown
d) the offer as a manager at the leading company
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Explanation: In this sentence, the noun is ‘he’, the verb is ‘rejected’ and the object is ‘the offer’ followed by the clause “since the company’s location was far away from his hometown” describes about why the verb ‘rejected the offer’ was done. Hence, it is an adverb clause of cause/reason. Adverb clause of cause/ reason in a sentence could be a dependent clause with an adverb and a group of words giving additional details about the cause “far away from his hometown” and the effect through the action done by the subject, “rejected the offer” in the independent clause.
8. Identify the adverb clause of cause/ reason in the sentence given.
Tejas did not come to the birthday party today as he felt sick.
a) Tejas did not come to the birthday party today
b) as he felt sick
c) come to the birthday party
d) the birthday party today as he felt sick
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Explanation: Here, the independent clause ‘Tejas did not come to the birthday party today’ is followed by a dependent clause “as he felt sick” describing the cause/ reason of the action “did not come” in the main clause. Any adverb that provides additional details on the cause and effect of action being/to be done in main clause is called an adverb clause of cause/effect. Thus, “as he felt sick” is the adverb clause of cause/ reason.
9. The adverb clause of cause/ reason in the given sentence is _____
Dheena was not given a rise in his salary so he decided to file a complaint.
a) he decided to file a complaint
b) a rise in his salary
c) so he decided to file a complaint
d) Dheena was not given a rise in his salary
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Explanation: Here, the main clause or the independent clause is “Dheena was not given a rise in his salary”. An adverb clause of cause/ reason, “so he decided to file a complaint” is used in the given sentence to describe the cause “not given a rise in his salary” and the effect, “decided to file a complaint”. The adverb clause, “so he decided to file a complaint” is a dependent clause that acts as an adverb to the main clause and is thus the adverb clause of cause/ reason.
10. The word ‘since I argued’ is the adverb clause of cause/ reason in the given sentence. State whether this statement is true/false.
My father slammed the door and walked away from me since I argued.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The statement given is true. The clause ‘since I argued’ is an adverb clause that tells the cause of the verb in the main clause. The effect of this action is given in the main clause, “slammed the door and walked away”. As the sentence involves verbs related to one another by cause and reason through an adverb clause, the given statement is true. “since I argued” is the adverb clause of cause/reason.
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