Combination of Two or More Simple Sentences into a Single Simple Sentence using an Infinitive

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Synthesis of Sentences – Combination of Two or More Simple Sentences into a Single Simple Sentence using an Infinitive”.

1. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
I kicked the door. It opened.
a) I kicked the door to open it
b) I kicked the door and it opened
c) I kicked the door open
d) I wanted to open the door so I kicked it
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Answer: a
Explanation: The two simple sentences given in this question are combined together into one simple sentence by using the infinitive ‘to’ to combine them together. When ‘to’ is added before the first form of a verb, it becomes an infinitive.

2. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
I switched on my phone. I checked it.
a) I switched on my phone so that I could check it
b) I switched on my phone and checked it
c) I switched on my phone to check it
d) The phone was switched on by me for checking it
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Answer: c
Explanation: The infinitive phrase in the answer statement of this question is ‘to check it’. The set of simple sentences given in this question are joined together using this infinitive ‘to’ in the correct option.

3. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
I saw the figures. I was disappointed.
a) I was disappointed when I saw the figures
b) I was disappointed to see the figures
c) Seeing the figures disappointed me
d) It was disappointing for me on seeing the figures
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the question statement, there are two simple sentences given which are converted into one simple sentence by using the infinitive ‘to’. It can be used with the main verb and acts as the adjective or adverb in the sentence.

4. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
I took off my clothes. I washed them.
a) I took off my clothes for washing them
b) I took off my clothes and washed them
c) I washed my clothes after taking them off
d) I took off my clothes to wash them
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Answer: d
Explanation: The infinite phrase in the answer statement of the given question is ‘to wash them’. The infinitive is used when the sentence has only one subject and the finite verb of the given sentence are different (V1 and V2).

5. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
I have some homework. I must complete them.
a) I have some homework to complete
b) I have some homework which has to be completed
c) My homework has to be completed by me
d) I have some homework and I have to complete it.
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Answer: a
Explanation: The following question statement is converted into a single simple sentence using the ‘to-infinitive’. The ‘to-infinitive’ is the base form of the verb. In the answer statement the infinitive phrase used is ‘to complete’.

6. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
She was too scared. She could not speak.
a) She was too scared so she could not speak
b) She could not speak as she was too scared
c) She was too sacred to speak
d) She was too scared thus she could not speak
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Answer: c
Explanation: There are two simple sentences given in this question statement and the infinitive phrase used to convert them into a single sentence is ‘too scared to speak’. In the answer statement the to-infinitive is used with the adverb ‘too’.

7. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
There are some strict rules. They will be followed by all. It will maintain the discipline.
a) There are some strict rules which will be followed by all so that discipline is maintained
b) There are some strict rules to be followed by all to maintain the discipline
c) There are some strict rules and they will be followed by all in order to maintain discipline
d) There are some strict rules followed by all for maintaining discipline
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Answer: b
Explanation: In this particular question statement there is a set of three simple sentences to be combined together. Hence the ‘to-infinitive’ is used twice in the answer statement. First to make a judgment or comment in the phrase ‘to be followed’ and second to indicate something that will be used for in the phrase ‘to maintain the discipline’.

8. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
The politician was in town. Today he gave a speech.
a) The politician was in town to give a speech today
b) The politician was in town as he had to give a speech today
c) The politician was in town for giving a speech today
d) The politician was in town because he had to give a speech today
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given set of simple sentences are linked together into a single simple sentence by using the phrase ‘to give a speech’ in the answer statement. Here the ‘to-infinitive’ follows a noun or pronoun.

9. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
He trusted everybody. He was naive.
a) He was naive hence he trusted everybody
b) Him being naive, trusted everybody
c) Everybody was trusted by him because he was naive
d) He was naive to trust everybody
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Answer: d
Explanation: The ‘to-infinitive’ is used in the answer statement to convert the given sentences into one simple sentence. The infinite phrase used in the correct answer is ‘to trust everybody’. Here the ‘to-infinitive’ is used after adjective ‘naive’.

10. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
She had enough confidence. She addressed the crowd.
a) She had enough confidence to address the crowd
b) She was confident enough so she addressed the crowd
c) The crowd was addressed by her as she was confident enough
d) She had enough confidence and she addressed the crowd
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the given correct option the ‘to-infinitive’ is used after the adverb ‘enough’. The infinite phrase used is ‘enough confidence to address’. The pattern is that ‘too’ and ‘enough’ are placed before or after the adjective, adverb or noun that they modify in the same way they would be without the ‘to-infinitive’.

11. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
I had no more patience. I could not sit there.
a) I could not sit there as I had no more patience
b) I had no more patience to sit there
c) I had no more patience for sitting there
d) I could not sit there because I had no more patience
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Answer: b
Explanation: The following two simple sentences given in this question are joined together into one sentence by using the infinite phrase ‘no more patience to sit’ in the answer statement. We generally use the present form of infinitive which is used in this answer statement also.

12. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
The letter is yours’. You must read it.
a) The letter is yours’ to read
b) The letter has to be read by you
c) The letter is yours’ so you have to read it
d) The letter is yours’ and you must read it
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Answer: a
Explanation: The ‘to-infinitive’ used in this answer statement signifies the relation between the subject and the object. The phrase with the ‘to-infinitive’ used is ‘to read’. When the sentence has only one subject then the ‘to-infinitive’ is used.

13. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
She must wear this dress. She will not be able to attend the event on time.
a) She must wear this dress to attend the event on time
b) She must wear this dress, or she will not be able to attend the event on time
c) She must wear this dress otherwise she will not be able to attend the event on time
d) She must wear this dress so she can attend the event on time
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Answer: a
Explanation: The two sentences given in this particular question statement are merged into one simple sentence with the help of the ‘to-infinitive’. The infinite phrase used in the answer statement is ‘to attend the event’.

14. Combine the following set of sentences into a simple sentence.
You must save some money. You will have a better life.
a) You will have a better life if you save some money
b) You must save some money so that you can have a better life
c) You can have a better life by saving some money
d) You must save some money to have a better life
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Answer: d
Explanation: The following set of sentences is converted into a single sentence by using the ‘to-infinitive’ to indicate the purpose or intention of an action. In the answer statement we can see that the purpose of the action is ‘saving money’ is backed by a reason of ‘having a better life’.

15. Combine the following set of sentences into one simple sentence.
The error was very complicated. It could not be found.
a) The error was too complicated to be found
b) The error was so complicated that it could not be found
c) The error was very complicated hence it could not be found
d) The error could not be found because it was too complicated
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Answer: a
Explanation: In this question statement adverb is used to express the reasoning behind our satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The infinite phrase used ‘too complicated to be found’ indicates why the quantity mentioned in the question is sufficient or insufficient.

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