Paraphrasing Questions and Answers

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Paraphrasing”.

1. What is the literal meaning of the word “Paraphrase”?
a) Same sentence
b) Equivalent sentence
c) Relevant sentence
d) Reframing sentence
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Answer: b
Explanation: The term “Paraphrase” is derived from the Greek word “Paraphrasis” which means equivalent sentence. The basic meaning of paraphrase is to tell something in other words which are different from the original words or sentences.

2. Which of the following is the correct definition of “paraphrase”?
a) Restating the essence of the passage in your own words
b) Copying the passage in same exact words as it is
c) Rewriting the passage according to your own perspective different from the original passage’s meaning
d) Summarizing the passage into a shorter note irrespective of the details
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Answer: a
Explanation: The correct definition of “paraphrase” is to restate the complete passage in your own words and there is no such rule regarding the length of the passage. That is why the remaining given options are incorrect.

3. Which of the following are the correct uses of paraphrasing?
a) Framing dialogues
b) Developing plot and characters in it
c) As an exercise in summarizing a lengthy paragraph into a short note
d) As an exercise in composition and a valuable method of explanation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Paraphrasing enhances the ability to understand what we read and is a good exercise in composition. It also enables us to explain the passage in our own words. Hence, an exercise in composition and a method of explanation come under the uses of paraphrasing.

4. What are the characteristics of a good paraphrase?
a) Lengthy, Complex and Variety
b) Short, Similar words and phrases
c) Translation, Wholeness and a complete piece of prose
d) Plagiarism and twisted sentences with same meaning
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Answer: c
Explanation: Paraphrasing is a way of translating the whole passage into a complete prose in your own words. Thus the characteristics of a good paraphrase are Translation, Wholeness and a complete piece of prose. The remaining options like plagiarism and complexity should be avoided while paraphrasing.

5. Which kind of passage needs to be expanded in translation while paraphrasing?
a) Passage written in a very concise form
b) A passage containing too many errors
c) A passage written in a different language
d) An uninteresting passage
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Answer: a
Explanation: When the original passage is written in a very concise and terse form, it gets difficult for the reader to understand each and every detail. So to make it clear and understandable, such passage needs to be expanded in translation while paraphrasing.

6. Which kind of passage needs to be compressed in translation while paraphrasing?
a) A conspicuous passage
b) A passage written in verse form
c) A verbose passage
d) A passage containing too many errors
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Answers: c
Explanation: A verbose passage is the kind of passage which contains excessive amount words which are not necessarily required to understand the passage. So to get rid of those extra words the passage needs to be compressed in translation while paraphrasing.

7. Which of the following is correct about paraphrasing?
a) The paraphrase should necessarily be shorter than the original passage
b) Paraphrasing is different from summarizing
c) Paraphrasing is just translating a passage into a different language
d) Paraphrasing means changing the number of paragraphs in the original passage
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Answer: b
Explanation: Paraphrasing might be confused or compared with summarizing but it differs from summarizing because summarizing involves only representing the main substance of the passage but paraphrasing involves representing each and every detail in the passage in your own words.

8. Which of the following should be avoided while paraphrasing?
a) Attachment or insertion of explanatory notes in the body of paraphrase
b) Grasping the essence of the passage before starting to paraphrase
c) Using your own words to paraphrase
d) Including every detail of the passage in the paraphrase
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Answer: a
Explanation: Explanatory notes should not be inserted or attached somewhere in between the paraphrase because it a clear sign of failure in paraphrasing. The paraphrase should be complete in its own self and should not require extra explanations.

9. Which of the following is correct about paraphrase of poetry?
a) Poetry can be converted into a prose with the same rhythm and charm of a poem
b) The summarized meaning of the poem cannot be conveyed through paraphrasing
c) Poetry cannot be translated into prose with the same impression of a poem
d) The verses of the poem can be copied in the paraphrase
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Answer: c
Explanation: Poetry cannot be converted into a prose with the same spirit and charm of the poem because poetry is written in the verse form containing rhythm and rhyme which will be lost if it gets converted into a simple explanation in plain words.

10. Why is it difficult to paraphrase poetry into prose?
a) Poetry is self-explanatory while prose is not
b) Poetry cannot be summarized
c) Poetry involves the use of simple and direct language
d) Poetry involves the use of rhythm and rhyme which must be avoided in paraphrasing
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Answer: d
Explanation: It is difficult to paraphrase poetry into prose because of the difference between poetry and prose in aspects such as order of words, use of ornamental language, rhyme and rhythm in poetry.

11. Which of the following is the correct literary term used for changing the normal order of words or phrases in a sentence?
a) Insertion
b) Inversion
c) Interpretation
d) Inference
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Answer: b
Explanation: Inversion is the correct literary term used for changing the normal order of the words or phrases in a sentence. It generally happens when the original passage is converted or translated into someone else’s words. In such case the original sequence of words is not retained in the paraphrase.

12. What is the correct way to deal with metaphors while paraphrasing?
a) Convert them into a hyperbole
b) Omit them in the paraphrase
c) Turn them into similes
d) Extract them from the passage and write a short note about them
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Answer: c
Explanation: The correct way to deal with metaphors while paraphrasing is to turn those metaphors into similes. In some cases where creating similes is not possible, then the literal meaning can be explained.

13. Which of the following is the correct way to deal with rhetorical questions while paraphrasing?
a) Convert them into a simple statement
b) Convert them into metaphors
c) Convert them into indirect speech
d) Convert them into direct affirmations or negations
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Answer: d
Explanation: The correct way to deal with rhetorical questions while paraphrasing is to convert them into direct affirmations or negations. It means that the interrogative sentence is turned into an affirmative sentence.

14. Which of the following is the correct way to deal with exclamations while paraphrasing?
a) Convert them into a simple statement
b) Convert them into questions
c) Convert them into similes
d) Convert them into a hyperbole
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Answer: a
Explanation: The correct way to deal with exclamations while paraphrasing is to convert them into a simple statement and remove the exclamation mark. The remaining options cannot be used while dealing with exclamations in paraphrasing.

15. Which of the following is a very common fault in the use of indirect speech while paraphrasing?
a) Constant use of the same words from the passage
b) Omitting minor details
c) Constant repetition of the saying verb
d) Treating the passage as a whole
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Answer: c
Explanation: If the indirect speech is used for paraphrasing a passage then there will be a constant repetition of the saying verb, for example “the poet says that”, throughout the passage. This is a very common fault and if the saying verb is used in the paraphrase then it should come only once and at the beginning only.

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