Figures of Speech Questions and Answers – Set 4

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Figures of Speech – Set 4”.

1. From the options, identify the figure of speech in the below sentence.
Graduating with honors is no easy task.
a) Irony
b) Epigram
c) Litotes
d) Antithesis
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Answer: c
Explanation: The sentence conveys the meaning that, graduating with honors is indeed a very difficult task. As the meaning is conveyed by the negation of the opposite, the corresponding figure of speech is Litotes.

2. The figure of speech in which the statements gradually decrease in the order of importance is _________
a) Climax
b) Epigram
c) Anticlimax
d) Metaphor
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Answer: c
Explanation: If the ideas or statements are arranged in the order of importance from higher to lower, it is called Anticlimax. It is considered as the opposite of the figure of speech ‘Climax’.

3. Which of the following sentences is an example for Oxymoron?
a) What a breathtaking shot!
b) Raja has a dominant personality and is considered to be the alpha member of the gang
c) Sharath has gotten himself into a fine mess this time
d) You fought like a brave soldier
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Answer: c
Explanation: A sentence using oxymoron has two contradictory qualities of the same thing. For example, the phrase ‘fine mess’ in the sentence, ‘Sharath has gotten himself into a fine mess this time’.

4. The figure of speech in the given sentence is ___________
Wow, this is so cool!
a) Irony
b) Epigram
c) Exclamation
d) Anticlimax
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Answer: c
Explanation: The sentence contains an exclamatory word ‘wow’ and it also terminates with an exclamation mark. Hence, the correct figure of speech is Exclamation.

5. When a mild or an indirect word is used as a substitute for a harsh or unpleasant one, the corresponding figure of speech is _______
a) Anticlimax
b) Pun
c) Oxymoron
d) Euphemism
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Answer: d
Explanation: Consider the word ‘cheap’, which is slightly unpleasant to be used in a sentence. Thus, we use the word ‘economical’ as a substitute. In such cases, the corresponding figure of speech is Euphemism.

6. Identify the sentence employing Transferred Epithet.
a) Cooper gave her a cunning smile
b) A lot of people use metro trains in our city
c) Time and tide waits for none
d) You have a life worth living
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the sentence, ‘Cooper gave her a cunning smile’, the epithet ‘cunning’ describes the smile and not the Subject ‘Cooper’. Hence, it is considered to employ Transferred Epithet.

7. Identify the figure of speech in the below sentence.
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
a) Apostrophe
b) Epigram
c) Simile
d) Pun
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Answer: b
Explanation: The given sentence expresses a clear idea in a satirical sense. A person gains experience only by committing mistakes. Such witty statements are examples of Epigram.

8. The below sentence can be considered to be an example for metaphor.
Rahul was as proud as a peacock when he got his degree.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The sentence has the comparison word ‘as’. Thus, it cannot be a metaphor. ‘As proud as a peacock’ refers to a self-centered person. The correct figure of speech is Simile.

9. Select the figure of speech employed in the below sentence from the options.
We were able to see lightning dance across the sky through the window.
a) Personification
b) Synecdoche
c) Metaphor
d) Exclamation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The phrase, ‘lightning dance across the sky’ personifies an inanimate object as to have life and intelligence. Thus, the correct figure of speech is Personification.

10. Select the sentence which can be considered as an example for Metaphor.
a) Assemble at the auditorium for the Valedictory function
b) Her teacher’s lovely voice is a music to her ears
c) Jacob is said to be as good as gold
d) She was angry at him for his carelessness
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Answer: b
Explanation: Metaphor in a sentence draws comparison between two different things without using the words such as ‘like’ or ‘as’. The sentence, ‘Her teacher’s lovely voice is a music to her ears’ is the required answer.

11. _________ is an idea or a remark expressed in a clear and amusing way.
a) Metaphor
b) Simile
c) Epigram
d) Climax
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Answer: c
Explanation: Epigram is the art of expressing a pithy saying or a remark in a satirical sense. For example, consider the following quote of Roosevelt, ‘No one can make you feel inferior without your consent’.

12. Choose the correct figure of speech used in the below sentence.
The school is being built for mentally challenged students.
a) Simile
b) Euphemism
c) Pun
d) Metonymy
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Answer: b
Explanation: The phrase, ‘mentally challenged’ acts as a substitute to the unpleasant word ‘stupid’. Euphemism is the figure of speech in such sentences.

13. Choose the sentence in which Hyperbole is employed.
a) Lucky are those who are born with a silver spoon
b) You are the tallest person in our class
c) His mom will kill him if she finds out the truth
d) The Prime Minister flagged off the ambitious space program
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Answer: c
Explanation: The meaning of the sentence, ‘His mom will kill him if she finds out the truth’, is that his mom will punish him severely on knowing the truth. This fact is being exaggerated and thus, it qualifies as an hyperbole.

14. The figure of speech employed in the below sentence is Apostrophe.
O car! Please get me to work on time today.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the given sentence, the inanimate object ‘car’ is considered to exist like a living person and the Subject is addressing the car. Such statements are considered to have the figure of speech ‘Apostrophe’.

15. The figure of speech which introduces a question for the sake of obtaining a rhetorical effect is ________
a) Pun
b) Transferred Epithet
c) Interrogation
d) Irony
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Answer: c
Explanation: The figure of speech employed in such circumstances is Interrogation. Consider the statement, ‘What kind of a person hates Rahman’s music?’.

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