Interjection Questions and Answers – Set 2

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Interjection – Set 2”.

1. Find out the interjection in the sentence.

Oops! I forgot my wallet in the car.

a) Oops!
b) I
c) forgot
d) my wallet
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Answer: a
Explanation: The word ‘Oops!’ is used as an interjection. It does not have any grammatical connection in the sentence. The word ‘Oops!’ is used when someone made a mistake or to express mild apology. Interjections are not to be used in formal writing.

2. Find out the interjection in the sentence.

Ssh, they are coming this side.

a) they
b) are
c) coming
d) Ssh
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘Ssh’ is used as an interjection. It does not have any grammatical connection in the sentence. The word ‘Ssh’ is used to make someone silent or to warn someone.

3. Find out the interjection in the sentence.

This place is amazing!

a) This
b) is
c) Amazing!
d) place
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘Amazing!’ is used as an interjection. The word ‘Amazing!’ is used to express feeling astonishment. These words can stand alone. They don’t depend on the grammar of the sentence.

4. Find out the interjection in the sentence.

Oh! This feels so good.

a) This
b) feels
c) so good
d) Oh!
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Answer: d
Explanation: The phrase ‘Oh!’ is used as an interjection. In this sentence, it is used to express surprise or desire or as a response to a physical stimuli. It does not has any grammatical connection with the sentence.

5. Find out the interjection in the sentence.

Eek, it is moving.

a) Eek
b) it
c) is
d) moving
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Answer: a
Explanation: The word ‘Eek’ is used as an interjection. It is used mainly by girls when they are surprised or scared. It does not has any grammatical connection with the sentence.

6. Find out the interjection in the sentence.

Hmm! I don’t know anything about him.

a) I
b) don’t
c) Hmm!
d) about
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘Hmm’ is an interjection. It is used when someone is thinking or to request a clarification to a question. It is just an inarticulate utterance.

7. Find out the interjection in the sentence.

We won the match. Bravo!

a) We
b) won
c) the match
d) Bravo!
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘Bravo!’ is used as an interjection. It is used to express approval to something or to praise someone. It does not have any grammatical connection with the sentence.

8. Find out the interjection in the sentence.

Pew, this bedsheet smells bad.

a) this
b) Pew
c) bedsheet
d) smells
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Answer: d
Explanation: The phrase ‘Pew’ is used as an interjection. In this sentence, the phrase does not have any grammatical connection with the sentence. It is used to express a presence of foul smell.

9. Find out the interjection in the sentence.

Shoo, get away from me.

a) Shoo
b) get
c) away
d) me
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Answer: a
Explanation: The word ‘Shoo’ is an interjection. It is used generally to drive away animals. It is also used to indicate crying of children. It does not depend on the grammar of the sentence.

10. Find out the interjection in the sentence.

Yikes, he saw us.

a) he
b) saw
c) us
d) Yikes
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘Yikes’ is used as an interjection. It is used to express fear or astonishment. It is just an inarticulate utterance. It is also used to warn or alarm someone.

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers.

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