Adjectives used as Nouns Questions and Answers

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Adjectives used as Nouns”.

1. Identify the adjective used as noun.
a) Nobles
b) Noble
c) Noblest
d) Nobler
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Answer: a
Explanation: The word “nobles” is a noun derived from the adjective “noble”. The other words given in the options are adjectives of comparison.

2. Choose the correct option.

 The phrase “before long” is a/an _______

a) Superlative Degree adjective of comparison
b) Positive Degree adjective of comparison
c) Adjective used as noun
d) Comparative Degree adjective of comparison
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Answer: c
Explanation: The phrase “before long” is an adjective used as a noun. The adjective “long” when used with the word “before” transforms into a noun. For example:” Before long, their friendship grew strong”. In this example “before long” acts as a noun.

3. Choose the correct option.

 The word “Indians” is a/an _______

a) Superlative Degree adjective of comparison
b) Positive Degree adjective of comparison
c) Adjective used as noun
d) Comparative Degree adjective of comparison
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word “Indians” is an adjective used as a noun. It is derived from a proper noun. For example: “Those men are Indians”. In this sentence, Indians acts as a noun.

4. Choose the correct option.

 The phrase “the beautiful” is a/an _______

a) Superlative Degree adjective of comparison
b) Adjective used as noun
c) Comparative Degree adjective of comparison
d) Positive Degree adjective of comparison
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Answer: b
Explanation: The phrase “the beautiful” is an adjective used as a noun. The adjective “beautiful” when used with the word “the” forms a noun. For example: “The artist paints the beautiful”. In this sentence the phrase “the beautiful acts as a noun.

5. Identify the adjective used as a noun in the given sentence.

 The valuables were kept inside.

a) Inside
b) Kept
c) Valuables
d) Were
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word “valuables” in the given sentence acts as a noun. It has been derived from the adjective “valuable”. The other options are not adjectives.

6. Identify the adjective used as a noun in the given sentence.

 She went out of the house for good.

a) House
b) Good
c) For good
d) Out
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Answer: c
Explanation: The phrase “for good” used in the given sentence acts as a noun. The adjective “good” when used with the word “for” acts as a noun.

7. Identify the adjective used as a noun in the given sentence.

 The college seniors were very helpful.

a) College
b) Seniors
c) Helpful
d) Very
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word “seniors” in the given sentence acts as a noun. It has been derived from the adjective “senior”. The other options are incorrect.

8. Identify the adjective used as a noun in the given sentence.

 In short, we understood nothing.

a) Short
b) In short
c) Understood
d) Nothing
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Answer: b
Explanation: The phrase “in short” in the given sentence depicts a noun. The adjective “short” when used with the word “In” acts as a noun.

9. Identify the adjective used as a noun.
a) Liquids
b) Strong
c) Beautiful
d) Chill
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Answer: a
Explanation: The word “liquids” in the given options, is the adjective used as a noun. It is obtained from the adjective “liquid”. The other options are positive adjectives of comparison.

10. Identify the adjective used as a noun.
a) Neat
b) Sweet
c) Inferiors
d) Long
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word “inferiors” in the given options, is the adjective used as a noun. It is obtained from the adjective “inferior”. The other options are positive adjectives of comparison.

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