English Grammar Exercises – Adverb Clauses of Time

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Adverb Clauses of Time”.

1. Identify adverb clause of time used in the given sentence from the options given.
Dinesh went to bed before his father returned home from office.
a) Dinesh went to bed
b) his father returned home
c) before his father returned home from office
d) returned home from office
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Answer: c
Explanation: The noun in the above sentence is “Dinesh” followed by the verb “went”. The main clause in the given sentence is “Dinesh went to bed” which is the independent clause in the given sentence. The remaining dependent clause is “before his father returned home from office” is a dependent clause that acts as an adverb clause of time supporting the verb ‘went’. Thus, it is the adverb clause of time in the given sentence.

2. Identify the adverb clause of time in the given sentence.
Drink the coffee after you brush your teeth.
a) Drink the coffee
b) after you brush your teeth
c) you brush your teeth
d) the coffee after you brush
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Answer: b
Explanation: The independent clause in the above sentence is “Drink the coffee” followed by the dependent clause “after you brush your teeth” that acts as an adverb that supports the main clause and tells the time when the action is to be done. Thus, it is the adverb clause of time in the given sentence.

3. The adverb clause of time used in the below sentence is _____________________
The show will start after the chief guest arrives.
a) will start after
b) after the chief guest arrives
c) The show will start
d) the chief guest arrives
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Answer: b
Explanation: The adverb clause of time in a sentence is usually a group of words or a dependent clause which provides additional detail about action verb. Here, “after the chief guest arrives” is the adverb clause of time that describes more about the time of the clause “The show will start”. It tells a conditional statement about the time of verb to be done in the sentence and is hence the adverb clause of time.

4. Choose the adverb clause of time in the given sentence.
The judge will not wait until the lawyer arrives.
a) the lawyer arrives
b) will not wait until
c) The judge will not wait
d) until the lawyer arrives
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the given sentence, the main subject or noun is “The judge” and the verb is “will not wait” followed by the clause “until the lawyer arrives” contains adverbs describing more about the time limit of the verb (wait) done by the noun (the judge). Thus, it is the adverb clause of time in the above sentence.

5. Identify the adverb clause of time used in the given sentence from the options given.
Rahul ran to his mom as soon as he came home.
a) he came home
b) as soon as he came
c) Rahul ran to his mom
d) as soon as he came home
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Answer: d
Explanation: The noun here is “Rahul”. The verb here is “ran” and the object is “to his mom” followed by the adverb clause of time, “as soon as he came home”. It tells more about the action of ‘ran’. It is hence an adverb clause of time that is used to complete the independent clause ‘Rahul ran to his mom’ with more details about the time of action.

6. Find the adverb clause of time in the given sentence.
Whenever he saw his lover, he cries softly without getting noticed by anyone.
a) he cries softly
b) Whenever he saw his lover
c) he saw his lover
d) without getting noticed by anyone
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the given sentence, “he” is the subject followed by the verbs are “saw” and “cries” and the adverb clause of time is “Whenever he saw his lover”. An adverb clause of time is a dependent clause that acts as an adverb to the independent clause and mentions the time of the action being done by the noun in the sentence.

7. What is the adverb clause of time in the given sentence?
My mother told me not to interrupt when my father is talking.
a) mother told me not to interrupt
b) when my father is talking
c) My mother told me
d) not to interrupt when my father is talking
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Answer: b
Explanation: In this sentence, the noun is ‘My mother’, the verb is ‘told’ and the object is ‘me’ followed by the clause “when my father is talking” describes about when the verb ‘interrupt’ should/should not be done. Hence, it is an adverb clause of time. Adverb clause of time in a sentence could be a dependent clause with an adverb and a group of words giving additional details about the action being done by the subject in the independent clause.

8. Identify the adverb clause of time in the sentence given.
When nothing goes right, go left.
a) go left
b) nothing goes right
c) goes right, go left
d) When nothing goes right
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, the independent clause ‘go left’ is preceded by a dependent clause “when nothing goes right” describing the time to do the action “go left” in the main clause. Any adverb that provides additional details on the time of main clause action is called an adverb clause of time. Thus, “when nothing goes right” is the adverb clause of time.

9. The adverb clause of time in the given sentence is _____
Don’t submit the answer paper till the exam time ends.
a) till the exam time ends
b) submit the answer paper
c) the answer paper till the exam time ends
d) Don’t submit the answer paper
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here, the main clause or the independent clause is “Don’t submit the answer paper”. An adverb clause of time, “till the exam time ends” is used in the given sentence to describe “till when?”. It is a dependent clause that acts as an adverb to the main clause and is thus the adverb clause of time.

10. The word ‘turn off’ is the adverb clause of time in the given sentence. State whether this statement is true/false.
Before you leave, turn off the fan and lights.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The clause “before you leave” gives the detail on when should the action of ‘turn off the fan and lights’ be done. The independent clause “turn off the fan and lights” is labelled a time to be done through the clause ‘before you leave’. Thus, the adverb clause of time is “before you leave” and not “turn off”. Thus, the statement mentioned is false.

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