Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns Questions and Answers – Set 2

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns – Set 2”.

1. Identify the type of pronoun used in the given sentence.

She restricted herself from helping her friend.

a) Reflexive
b) Emphatic
c) Demonstrative
d) Descriptive
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Answer: a
Explanation: The pronoun “herself” used in the given sentence is used to reflect the action done by the subject upon the subject itself and therefore, it acts as a Reflexive pronoun.

2. Identify the pronoun used in the given sentence.

We seldom talk about ourselves as others talk about us.

a) Seldom
b) Ourselves
c) Others
d) As
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Answer: b
Explanation: The pronoun used in the given sentence is “ourselves” which is used to refer to the noun “we”. The pronoun “ourselves” acts as a Reflexive pronoun as it reflects the action performed by the subject upon the subject itself.

3. Identify the type of pronoun used in the given sentence.

The city itself is very large.

a) Reflexive
b) Emphatic
c) Demonstrative
d) Descriptive
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Answer: b
Explanation: The pronoun “itself” used in the given sentence emphasizes the subject and that the “subject has done a particular action”, in the sentence. And therefore, it acts as an Emphatic pronoun.

4. Identify the type of pronoun used in the given sentence.

We ourselves will make sure the work gets done.

a) Reflexive
b) Emphatic
c) Demonstrative
d) Descriptive
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word “ourselves” has been used as a pronoun in the given sentence. It acts as an Emphatic pronoun by emphasizing the noun/subject “we” and depicting that the subject carries out the action verb in the sentence.

5. Choose the correct option.

The simple pronoun “me” used in the sentence “I push me past my limits” is a reflexive pronoun.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given statement is true because, sometimes in old English and poetry, simple pronouns are used reflexively in order to reflect the subject’s actions upon the subject itself.

6. Identify the type of pronoun used in the given sentence.

Zeus himself couldn’t oppose Poseidon’s decision.

a) Reflexive
b) Emphatic
c) Demonstrative
d) Descriptive
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the given sentence the pronoun “himself” is used as an Emphatic pronoun in order to emphasize the subject and its hold over the verb.

7. Identify the type of pronoun used in the given sentence.

Parvathi has put herself in trouble once again.

a) Reflexive
b) Emphatic
c) Demonstrative
d) Descriptive
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the given sentence, the word “herself” performs the role of a Reflexive pronoun as it turns the action done by the subject upon the subject itself.

8. Identify the pronoun used in the given sentence.

She herself had no idea what was going on around her.

a) On
b) Was
c) Had
d) Herself
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the given sentence, the pronoun “herself” acts as an Emphatic pronoun in order to emphasize the subject/ noun denoted by “she”.

9. Identify the pronoun used in the given sentence.

She couldn’t believe she cooked the dish herself.

a) She
b) The
c) Couldn’t
d) Herself
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Answer: d
Explanation: The pronoun “herself” in the given sentence acts as a reflexive pronoun as it is used to reflect back the action performed by the subject, upon the subject itself.

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