Subject and Predicate Questions and Answers – Set 2

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Subject and Predicate – Set 2”.

1. In the following sentence, pick the subject from the options given.
The sixth Sheikh’s sheep was sick.
a) the sixth
b) was sick
c) Sheikh’s sheep
d) the sixth Sheikh’s sheep
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Answer: d
Explanation: ‘The sixth Sheikh’s sheep’ as a whole is the subject here. It cannot be divided as parts as the subject being pointed out is specified with details. “was sick” is the predicate.

2. Identify the predicate in the given sentence.
The boy was waiting for his mother to pick him up.
a) his mother to pick him up
b) was waiting for
c) pick him up
d) was waiting for his mother to pick him up
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Answer: d
Explanation: The sentence talks about “The boy”, which is the subject. The remaining part of the sentence becomes the predicate, even if it contains names, details or facts.

3. The subject in the below sentence is _____________________
The shining blue car was bought by the millionaire.
a) blue car
b) the millionaire
c) The shining blue car
d) was bought by
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Answer: c
Explanation: ‘The shining blue car’ is being talked about in the given sentence and is thus the subject. The rest of the sentence is the predicate. Also, the simple subject here is the ‘car’.

4. What is the predicate in the given sentence?
I like chocolates.
a) like
b) like chocolates
c) chocolates
d) I
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Answer: b
Explanation: The speaker is the subject in any sentence and all that follows it is the predicate. Here, ‘I’ is the subject (speaker) and ‘like chocolates’ is the predicate.

5. The subject in the given sentence is _____
Owing to the request made by her friends, Leila sang the famous song.
a) Owing to the request
b) Leila
c) her friends
d) the famous song
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Answer: b
Explanation: The entire sentence talks about Leila, who sang a song for her friends. So, ‘Leila’ is the subject here.

6. Pick thepredicate part in the given sentence.
Crawling out of a hole in my garden was a black cobra.
a) Crawling out of a hole in my garden was
b) out of a hole in my garden
c) was a black cobra
d) out of the hole in my garden was a black cobra
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Answer: a
Explanation: The subject here is the ‘black cobra’. The remaining part of the sentence gives details about the subject and is hence the predicate.

7. What is the subject part in the given sentence?
Tomorrow, my cousins and I will go to the new movie.
a) the new movie
b) I
c) my cousins
d) my cousins and I
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Answer: d
Explanation: In this sentence, ‘My cousins and I’ is the subject and ‘tomorrow’ and ‘will go to the new movie’ are the predicate parts.

8. What is the subject in the given sentence?
We might have seen her at school.
a) we
b) her
c) school
d) have seen
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the sentence given, the subject is ‘we’ is followed by the predicate ‘might have seen her at school’.‘her’ and ‘school’ are included in the sentence so as to support a statement given by the subject. Removing ‘her’ or ‘school’ wouldn’t affect the meaning of the sentence as much as ‘We’ since it answers about whom the action is stated.

9. The predicate in the below sentenceis _____
He helped the old woman.
a) the old woman
b) helped
c) helped the old woman
d) he
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, ‘he’ is the subject and the remaining words in the sentence ‘helped the old woman’ is the predicate.

10. Identify the subject in the given sentence.
On a late evening, the beggar went to the bus stop.
a) bus stop
b) went to
c) the beggar
d) late evening
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Answer: c
Explanation: The entire sentence talks about the beggar and gives further details about him. Thus, ‘the beggar’ is the subject here. Bus stop and late evening are included to describe the time and place of an event done by the subject (the beggar).

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers.

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