Conversion of Simple Sentences to Complex Sentences Sub-ordinate Clause – Noun Clause

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Transformation of Sentences – Conversion of Simple Sentences to Complex Sentences Sub-ordinate Clause – Noun Clause”.

1. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
She expected to reach the destination.
a) She expected that she would reach the destination
b) It was expected by her that she would reach the destination
c) Her expectation is to reach the destination
d) She has to reach the destination according to her expectation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sentence given in the question statement consists of the noun clause ‘to reach the destination’. To convert this simple sentence into a complex sentence, the noun clause is expanded into a subordinate clause by adding the words ‘that she would’ in the given answer statement.

2. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
She is not likely to attend the party.
a) It seems that she may not attend the party
b) It is not likely for her to attend the party
c) She might not attend the party
d) She will not attend the party
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Answer: b
Explanation: The given question statement consists of the noun clause ‘not likely to attend the party’ which is expanded into a subordinate clause ‘not likely for her’ in the answer statement which results into a complex sentence.

3. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
I wish you to be present in the ceremony.
a) It is my wish for you to be present in the ceremony
b) Your presence in the ceremony is my wish
c) I was wishing you to be present in the ceremony
d) I wish that you will be present in the ceremony
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Answer: d
Explanation: The simple sentence in the given question statement is converted into a complex sentence by expanding the phrase as ‘that you will be present’ in the correct option. When a word or phrase is expanded into a clause it is known as subordinate clause.

4. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
He suggested people to gather in the basement.
a) He suggested people that they should gather in the basement
b) He suggested people for gathering in the basement
c) It was his suggestion for the people to gather in the basement
d) He had a suggestion for the people to gather in the basement
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Answer: a
Explanation: The phrase ‘that they should gather in the basement’ is added in the answer statement to expand the noun clause into a subordinate clause. A subordinate clause contains a subject noun and a verb. When a sentence contains a subordinate clause, we call it a complex sentence or a multi-clause sentence.

5. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
I request you to leave.
a) It is my request for you to leave
b) I request that you should leave
c) You should leave as per my request
d) You are requested by me to leave
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Answer: b
Explanation: The noun clause given in the question statement is expanded into a subordinate clause ‘that you should leave’. In English grammar, a ‘that’ clause is a subordinate clause that usually begins with the word ‘that’. It is also known as a declarative content clause or a ‘that’ complement clause.

6. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
They have long expected her arrival.
a) They have been expecting her to arrive for so long
b) It has been a long time since they have been expecting her to arrive
c) Her arrival was expected by them
d) It is her arrival which they have long expected
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Answer: d
Explanation: The sentence given in the question statement consists of the noun clause ‘her arrival’. A noun clause is a clause that functions like a noun in the sentence. Nouns can function as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, object of the preposition, and predicate nominatives.

7. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
She believes the prediction to be true in near future.
a) She believes that the prediction will be true in near future
b) It was believed by her that the prediction is going to be true in near future
c) She believed in the truth of the prediction
d) She had a belief that the prediction will be true in near future
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sentence given in the correct option consists of a declarative content clause or a ‘that’-complement clause. A nominal that-clause can function as a subject, object, complement or appositive in a declarative sentence.

8. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
Tomorrow is said to be a holiday.
a) It is said that tomorrow is a holiday
b) Tomorrow is a holiday
c) Tomorrow will be a holiday
d) Tomorrow is declared to be a holiday
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Answer: a
Explanation: The noun clause given in the question statement is expanded into a subordinate clause by adding the words ‘It is said that’ in the given correct option. A subordinate clause is a clause is a clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. It merely complements a sentence’s main clause, thereby adding to the whole unit of meaning.

9. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
A saint is always said to be kind.
a) It is always said that a saint is kind
b) A saint is always expected to be kind
c) Being kind is the nature of a saint
d) A saint is always supposed to be kind
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given question statement consists of a noun clause ‘A saint is always said’. A noun is the subject or object of the sentence. ‘A saint’ is the subject of the given question statement which is converted into a complex sentence by expanding it into a subordinate clause.

10. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
His sweat showcases his effort.
a) The fact that he is sweating showcases his effort
b) He had put in effort, hence he is sweating
c) He had put in effort that is why he is sweating
d) His effort is the reason behind his sweat
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given question statement consists of a noun clause ‘his sweat’. This clause is expanded into a subordinate clause by using the words ‘The fact that he is sweating’ in the answer statement. The phrase ‘the fact that’ is used to refer to a particular situation under discussion.

11. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
I decided to walk towards the store.
a) I decided that I should walk towards the store
b) I decided and walked towards the store
c) I walked towards the store after I decided it
d) I walked towards the store which was my decision
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given simple sentence in this question statement consists of the noun clause ‘to walk towards the store’. This noun clause is changed into the subordinate clause ‘that I should walk towards the store’ to convert it into a complex sentence.

12. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
I was told to wait here.
a) It was told to me to wait here
b) I had to wait here as I was told to do so
c) I had to wait here because I was told to do so
d) I was told that I have to wait here
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Answer: d
Explanation: The following question statement is simple sentence consisting of the noun clause ‘to wait here’ which is replaced by the subordinate clause ‘that I have to wait here’ in the given correct option which is a complex sentence.

13. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
The king announced his army’s victory.
a) The king announced that it was his army’s victory
b) The announcement of the army’s victory was done by the king
c) It was the army’s victory and it was announced by their king
d) Being his army’s victory, the king announced it
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Answer: a
Explanation: The noun clause in this simple sentence is ‘his army’s victory’ which is to be converted into a subordinate clause ‘that it was his army’s victory’ to convert the given simple sentence into a complex sentence.

14. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
I requested them to reconsider the petition.
a) It was requested to them by me to reconsider the petition
b) It was my request to them to reconsider the petition
c) I requested them that they should reconsider the petition
d) They should reconsider the petition as I requested them to do so
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Answer: c
Explanation: To convert the simple sentence mentioned in this question statement into a complex sentence, the noun clause ‘to reconsider the petition’ in the question statement is replaced by the subordinate clause ‘that they should reconsider the petition’ in the given answer statement.

15. Convert the following simple sentence to complex sentence.
I am not likely to believe you again.
a) It is not likely for me to believe you again
b) I will not believe you again
c) You will not be believed by me again
d) You cannot be believed by me again
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Answer: a
Explanation: This simple sentence consists of the noun clause ‘to believe you again’ which is changed into the subordinate clause ‘for me to believe you again’ to convert the given simple sentence into a complex one.

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