Noun Questions and Answers – Gender

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Gender”.

1. Which one of these is not a type of gender?
a) Neuter Gender
b) Common Gender
c) Feminine Gender
d) Indirect Gender
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Answer: d
Explanation: Gender is of four types only. They are: Neuter gender, Common gender, Feminine gender and Masculine gender.

2. Identify the gender.

Time is precious.

a) Neuter Gender
b) Feminine Gender
c) Masculine Gender
d) Common Gender
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Answer: c
Explanation: The masculine gender is applied to objects that personify valour, strength and violence. Time is an object that cannot be controlled and has a dominating nature that shows a masculine characteristic. Hence it is of Masculine Gender.

3. Choose the feminine form of the given masculine noun guinea pig.
a) Doe
b) Sow
c) Hind
d) Heifer
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Answer: b
Explanation: The feminine form of guinea pig is sow. Doe, hind, heifer are the feminine forms of the masculine nouns buck, stag and bullock respectively.

4. Choose the masculine form of the feminine noun Goose.
a) Goose
b) Ewe
c) Vixen
d) Gander
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Answer: d
Explanation: The masculine form of the feminine noun Goose is Gander. Ewe and vixen are the masculine forms of the nouns ram and fox respectively.

5. Choose the feminine form of the masculine noun Eagle.
a) She – eagle
b) Ewe
c) Eagle
d) Eagelin
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Answer: c
Explanation: The masculine and feminine form of the noun eagle is the same. The other options do not apply.

6. Find the syllable adder for the feminine form of the masculine noun Testator.
a) Testatoress – add ess
b) Testator – no syllable adder
c) Testatress – remove ‘tor’ and add ress
d) Testatrix – remove ‘tor’ and add ‘trix’
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Answer: d
Explanation: In this case Testatrix is the correct feminine form of the masculine noun Testator. Therefore ‘trix’ is the correct syllable adder to be used. The syllable adder ‘trix’ comes under the list of unique syllable adders, unlike the usual syllable adders such as ‘ess’ or ‘ine’.

7. Fill in the blanks.

The ____ looked at his reflection on the pond.

a) Colt
b) Vixen
c) Heifer
d) Hind
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Answer: a
Explanation: Colt is a masculine noun which describes a young horse. The presence of the word “his” indicates that the noun used as subject here is masculine. Therefore, colt is the right option. The rest are feminine nouns.

8. Identify the feminine form of the given masculine noun Cockerel.
a) Filly
b) Sow
c) Jenny
d) Pullet
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pullet is the feminine form of the given masculine noun cockerel. Filly, sow and jenny are feminine forms of the masculine nouns, colt, boar and donkey respectively.

9. Fill in the blanks.

The _________ handled her case brilliantly.

a) Prosecutress
b) Prosecutrix
c) Prosecutie
d) Prosecutor
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Answer: b
Explanation: Prosecutrix is the right word to be used here, which is the feminine form of the masculine noun Prosecutor. ‘-trix’ is the correct syllable adder that is to be used here. ‘-ess’, ‘-ie’, ‘-or’ are incorrect syllable adders.

10. Identify the gender for the noun Darling.
a) Masculine gender
b) Neuter gender
c) Feminine gender
d) Common gender
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Answer: d
Explanation: The noun “Darling” is of common gender as it doesn’t take the sides of male or female characteristics and therefore is neither a masculine noun nor a feminine noun.

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