Formation of Adverbs Questions and Answers – on/a and Noun

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Formation of Adverbs – on/a and Noun”.

1. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

Nikhil appeared taken aback from the story told by her.

a) appeared
b) taken
c) aback
d) by
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that ‘Back’ is a Noun but by joining ‘a’ in the starting it is changed to an adverb. The word ‘back’ meaning has changed just by adding a letter. Here the word ‘aback’ means he was completely shocked. And it is also used as an idiom ‘Taken aback’.

2. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

Hari lies abed until afternoon everyday.

a) Hari
b) abed
c) until
d) afternoon
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word ‘Bed’ is a noun. The word ‘Abed’ is an adverb. Abed means on bed. We can see in the sentence that the word ‘abed’ is modifying the verb.

3. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

On-Screen Yash performs very well.

a) screen
b) On-Screen
c) performs
d) well
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word ‘Screen’ is a noun. But by conjugating it with ‘on’, it is converted to an adverb. Here the word ‘On-Screen’ means in a television program. The word ‘on-screen’ is modifying the verb.

4. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

The Kids are ashore for more than one hour.

a) are
b) ashore
c) for
d) than
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word ‘Shore’ is a noun. The word ‘Ashore’ is an adverb describing a place. It means on the land, not at the sea. The word ‘shore’ can also be used as adjective – On-shore.

5. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

The recommendation from an MLA helped me to get the HR onside.

a) recommendation
b) from
c) to
d) onside
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Answer: a
Explanation: We know that the word ‘on’ is a preposition and the word ‘side’ is a noun. By combining them we get a word ‘onside’ which is an adverb. The word onside means to get or make someone to support you.

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers.

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