Interchange of One Part of Speech for Another

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Transformation of Sentences – Interchange of One Part of Speech for Another”.

1. Choose the correct transformation of the word ‘successful’ into its verb form among the given sentences.
The girl was successful in finding her lost toy.
a) The girl found her lost toy successfully
b) The girl had success in finding the lost toy
c) The girl succeeded in finding the lost toy
d) The lost toy was found by the girl successfully
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Answer: c
Explanation: The sentence, “the girl succeeded in finding the lost toy” is the correct transformation of the given sentence. It changes the part of speech of the word ‘successful’ from an adjective form to its verb form (succeed). The word ‘success’ comes in three forms, successful – adjective, succeed – verb, success – noun.

2. Identify the correct transformation of the adverb ‘gracefully’ into its adjective form among the given sentences.
Malti danced gracefully at the inaugural function yesterday.
a) Malti danced with grace at the inaugural function yesterday
b) The dance by Malti at the inaugural function yesterday was graceful
c) Malti danced in a graceful manner at the inaugural function yesterday
d) The graceful dance was done by Malti at the inaugural function yesterday
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Answer: c
Explanation: The correct transformation of given sentence is “Malti danced in a graceful manner at the inaugural function yesterday”. The word ‘gracefully’ the given sentence is changed from its adverb form to its adjective form (graceful).

3. Choose the correct sentence that transforms the word ‘intelligently’ into its noun form.
The detective worked intelligently to solve the case.
a) The detective was intelligent in work to solve the case
b) The intelligent detective worked well to solve the case
c) The detective worked with intelligence to solve the case
d) The case was solved with an intelligence in work by the detective
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, “The detective worked with intelligence to solve the case” is the sentence with the correct transformation of the word ‘intelligently’ from its adverb form to its noun form (intelligence). The word ‘intelligent’ is an adjective form used to describe the noun. But ‘intelligence’ acts as a noun in the given sentence and is hence the right transformation.

4. Which one among the given is the correct transformation of the word ‘thinks’ from its verb form to its adjective form?
Dhruv thinks about his lost ring when he crosses the place where he had missed it.
a) Dhruv is thoughtful about his lost ring when he crosses the place where he had missed it
b) Dhruv keeps thinking about his lost ring when he crosses the place where he had missed it
c) Dhruv crosses the place where he had missed his ring and gets thoughts about it
d) Dhruv thoughtfully crosses the place where he had missed his ring
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sentence, “Dhruv is thoughtful about his lost ring when he crosses the place where he had missed it” is the correct transformation of the word ‘thinks’ into its adjective form (thoughtful) in the given sentence. Think/thinks/thinking is a verb, thoughtful is an adjective and thoughtfully is an adverb that are different forms of the same word.

5. The correct transformation of the word ‘patience’ into its adverb form in given sentence is _____
Juhi walked away from the rude people with patience.
a) Juhi walked away from the rude people patiently
b) Juhi walked away in a patient manner from the rude people
c) the rude people made Juhi walk away with patience
d) Juhi with a patient walk went away from the rude people
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Answer: a
Explanation: The word ‘patience’ (noun) in the given sentence is changed into ‘patiently’ which is the adverb form of the word. The word ‘patient’ is the adjective form of patience. Thus, the correct transformation of the sentence is, ‘Juhi walked away from the rude people patiently’.

To practice all topics of English Grammar, here is complete set of 5000+ Questions and Answers.

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Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
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