English Grammar Exercises – Preposition Position based on Context

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Preposition Position based on Context”.

1. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

I was in a movie when you called.

a) I
b) was
c) in
d) a movie
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘in’ is used as a preposition. The preposition is placed between the subject ‘I’ and the object ‘movie’. It describes the place he was present when he called.

2. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

He will be awake at night.

a) He
b) will
c) be awake
d) at
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘at’ is used as a preposition. This is a preposition of time. It describes the time period when he will be awake. It shows the relation between the subject ‘He’ and the object ‘night’.

3. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

He usually comes here during summer.

a) He
b) usually
c) during
d) summer
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘during’ is used as a preposition. It is placed between the adverb ‘here’ and the object ‘summer’. It is also explaining about the time period when he comes there.

4. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

They are waiting outside the house.

a) They
b) outside
c) are waiting
d) the house
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word ‘outside’ is used as a preposition. It is a preposition of place. It describes about the place they are waiting. It is placed between the verb ‘waiting’ and the subject ‘house’.

5. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

He will be bed after having dinner.

a) He
b) will be
c) after
d) having
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘after’ is used as a preposition. It is a preposition of time. It describes about the time when he will be bed. It shows the relation between the noun ‘bed’ and the object ‘dinner’.

6. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

Ricky went into his room.

a) Ricky
b) went
c) his room
d) into
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘into’ is used as a preposition. The preposition is placed between the verb ‘went’ and the subject ‘room’. It describes about where Ricky went. Prepositions are always followed by an object.

7. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

The man next to him is his father.

a) The man
b) next to
c) him
d) his father
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that the word ‘to’ is used as a preposition. The phrase ‘next to’ is used as a preposition. The phrase can only be used between two objects or places or persons. It shows the relation between both of them.

8. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

This is a present from Nikhil.

a) This
b) is
c) present
d) from
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘from’ is used as a preposition. It is used between the noun ‘present’ and the object ‘Nikhil’. It describes by whom the present was gifted. It indicates the source of something or someone.

9. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

They are talking about today’s lecture.

a) They
b) are talking
c) about
d) lecture
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘about’ is used as a preposition. It describes what they are talking. It is placed between the verb ‘talking’ and object ‘lecture’. The preposition describes with regard to something.

10. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

  The cat jumped onto the table.

a) The cat
b) jumped
c) onto
d) the table
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘onto’ is used as a preposition. The preposition describes where the cat jumped. It is a preposition of place. It generally indicates moving to a location on a surface of something.

11. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

 She is good at English.

a) She
b) is
c) English
d) good at
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that the word ‘at’ is used as a preposition. The phrase ‘good at’ is used as a preposition. This type of prepositions are always followed by adjectives. The word ‘good’ is an adjective.

12. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

  He does exercise in the morning.

a) He
b) does
c) in
d) the morning
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘in’ is used as a preposition. It shows the relation between the noun ‘exercise’ and the object ‘morning’. It describes the time period when he does exercise.

13. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

  The snail is climbing on the wall.

a) The snail
b) is
c) climbing
d) on
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘on’ is used as a preposition. It is used to indicate a surface of something. In this sentence, it shows the relation between the verb ‘climbing’ and the object ‘wall’.

14. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

  Daniel is travelling across the world.

a) Daniel
b) is travelling
c) across
d) the world
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that the word ‘across’ is used as a preposition. It shows the relation between the verb ‘travelling’ and the object ‘world’. It indicates about an area or place.

15. Find out the preposition in the sentence.

 He has sympathy towards the street dogs.

a) He
b) has
c) sympathy
d) towards
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘towards’ is used as a preposition. It is positioned between the object ‘dogs’ and the noun ‘sympathy’. These type of prepositions are called Dependent preposition as they depend on the noun beside them. The usage of preposition changes with the noun before them.

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