Formation of Adverbs Questions and Answers – Preposition and Adverb

This set of English Grammar Exercises (MCQs) focuses on “Formation of Adverbs – Preposition and Adverb”.

1. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

Kiran looked up and saw the stars in the sky.

a) looked
b) saw
c) up
d) stars
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that ‘up’ is a preposition but here it is used as an adverb as it modifies the verb. It explains where the subject looked and giving the meaning to the sentence. In these type of cases where preposition is used as adverb, Object is not necessary.

2. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

Preeti danced outside.

a) Preeti
b) outside
c) danced
d) no Adverb
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Answer: b
Explanation: The word ‘outside’ is a preposition. But it is used as an adverb. It modifies the verb. It explains where she danced. Unlike normal Prepositions, the prepositions used as an adverb occur mostly at the end of the sentence, not before the noun.

3. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

Mathews ran up a bill.

a) Mathews
b) ran
c) up
d) up a bill
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Answer: c
Explanation: The word ‘up’ is a preposition. But it modifies the meaning of the verb. It is used as an adverb. Here the word ‘bill’ is not the object of the word ‘up’. So ‘Up a bill’ is not a phrase that modifies the verb.

4. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

After finishing his homework, he came up.

a) After
b) finishing
c) homework
d) up
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Answer: d
Explanation: The word ‘up’ is a preposition. But it is used as an adverb. It modifies the verb and does not have object included with it. It describes where did he came.

5. Find out the adverb in the sentence.

We wanted to sit down.

a) We
b) wanted
c) to
d) down
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that the word ‘Down’ is a preposition. But it is used as an adverb. It modifies the verb and describes where they wanted to sit. We can also see that it does not include the object.

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