This set of Pulp and Paper Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Recycled Fiber Preparation”.
1. The source of_________ was arising from the locations outside the mills which helped to expedite the paper making process.
a) Recycled fiber
b) Used fiber
c) Used latex
d) Used lignin
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Explanation: The source of recycled fiber is recycled paper or paperboard arising outside of the mill. It’s distinguished from broke, which’s off-specification paper produced at the mill and reused within the mill.
2. Recycled fiber is separated from _________ which’s off-specification paper produced at the mill and reused within the mill.
a) Reel
b) Broke
c) Matte
d) Emulsion
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Explanation: The source of recycled fiber’s recycled paper or paperboard arising outside of the mill. It is separated from broke, which is off-specification paper produced at the mill and reused within the mill.
3. _________ represents the loss of material from the original feed stock to the recovered product.
a) Binder
b) Flocculation
c) Shrinkage
d) Spot
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Explanation: Shrinkage represents the loss of material from the original feed stock to the recovered product. A plant that recovers 90 lb of dry fiber for every 100 lb of dry paper has a shrinkage of 10 percent. A plant recovering O.C.C. may have a shrinkage of about 8 percent. A plant recovering newsprint for use in newsprint could have a shrinkage of 15 to 20 percent for flotation de-inking and up to 30 percent using combined flotation and washing de-inking.
4. One of the biggest obstacles for utilizing recycled or secondary fiber is effective _________removal.
a) Fiber
b) Contaminant
c) Latex
d) Lignin
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Explanation: Recycling of paper’s a process of removing contaminants from the useful fiber. It’s crucial to compare various steps utilized for contaminant.
5. Fillers include _________ which could interfere with rosin/alum sizing, clays, and TiO2.
a) Calcium hydroxide
b) Calcium silicate
c) Calcium carbonate
d) Hydrogen silicate
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Explanation: Films and laminates include polyethylene, aluminum foil, etc. High density materials include materials like glass, grit, sand, and metallic objects. Other materials have small amounts of un-bleachable dyes, wet strength resins, and stringy materials like carpets.
6. Films and laminates include polyethylene, aluminum foil, etc.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Films and laminates include polyethylene, aluminum foil, etc. It’s because of their property of being used in the form of sheets.
7. Ink doesn’t consists of pigments, such as TiO2, to supply colour and opacity and a vehicle to carry the pigment and bind it to the paper.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: It has pigments like Carbon black and TiO2, to supply colour and opacity.
8. What is the name of the compound?
a) Paraffin wax
b) Polyethylene
c) Natural rubber
d) Isoprene
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Explanation: Polyethylene (abbreviated P.E.) or polyethene (I.U.P.A.C. name is polyethene orpoly(methylene)) is a common plastic. The annual global production’s around 80 million tonnes. Its primary utilization is for packaging. Many kinds of polyethylene are known, mostly have a chemical formula(C2H4)n.
9. What is the name of the compound?
n= 23-38
a) Paraffin wax
b) Polyethylene
c) Natural rubber
d) Isoprene
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Explanation: Paraffin wax is a white or colourless soft solid derivable from petroleum, coal or oil shale, that consists of a mixture of hydrocarbon molecules containing b/w 20 and 40 carbon atoms. It’s solid at room temp. and begins to melt above approx. 37 °Celcius; its boiling point is less than 370 °C.
10. What is the name of the compound?
a) Paraffin wax
b) Polyethylene
c) Natural rubber
d) Isoprene
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Explanation: Natural rubber, also named India rubber or caoutchouc, as initially produced, consists of polymers of the organic compound isoprene, with some impurities. Malaysia’s one of the leading producers of rubber.
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