Pulp & Paper Questions and Answers – Basic Paper Properties

This set of Pulp and Paper Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Basic Paper Properties”.

1. Measuring strength properties C.D. refers to the test force applied in the machine direction.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: When measuring strength properties C.D. is the test force applied in the cross machine direction.

2. Measuring strength properties M.D. refers to the test force applied in the cross machine direction.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: When measuring strength properties M.D. refers to the test force applied in the machine direction.

3. The paper properties must be measured under standard conditions of temperature and relative humidity since these affect the __________
a) MD
b) CD
c) EMC
d) EHM
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Answer: c
Explanation: The moisture content of paper has crucial effect on paper quality; i.e. paper properties must be measured under standard conditions of temperature and relative humidity since these affect the equilibrium moisture content (E.M.C.).

4. Paper should be stored in a hot, dry room before placement in the standard room so that the ___________ of paper approaches its __________ by adsorbing water from the atmosphere.
a) Moisture content and EMC
b) Rate of forward reaction and rate of backward reaction
c) Moisture content and triple point
d) Fusion and fusion point
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Answer: a
Explanation: Paper should be stored in a hot, dry room before placement in the standard room so as the moisture content of paper approaches its E.M.C by adsorbing water from the atmosphere.

5. Due to __________ effect, a slightly higher E.M.C. would result if paper approached the E.M.C. for a given relative humidity and temperature, by releasing water.
a) Tyndall effect
b) Hysteresis effect
c) Intermolecular effect
d) Van der waal effect
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Answer: b
Explanation: Due to hysteresis effect, a slightly higher E.M.C. would result if paper approached the E.M.C. for a given relative humidity and temperature, by releasing water.
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6. It’s crucial to know the rate of __________ gain or loss of paper to achieve equilibrium in order to understand how long it takes to condition samples.
a) Lignin
b) Pulp
c) Moisture
d) Poison
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Answer: c
Explanation: It is crucial to know the rate of moisture gain or loss of paper to achieve equilibrium in order to understand how long it takes to condition samples.

7. Paper should be placed in a hot, dry room (20-40°C or 68-105 °F, at 10-35% relative humidity) before placement in the __________
a) Pumping extractor room
b) Radiation room
c) Standard room
d) Recycle room
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Answer: c
Explanation: It’s placed in the standard room, so that the moisture content of paper approaches its E.M.C. by adsorbing water from the atmosphere. E.M.C. stands for Equilibrium Moisture Content. Due to the hysteresis effect, a slightly higher E.M.C. will be observed if paper approached the E.M.C. for a given relative humidity and temperature, by giving off H2O.

8. __________ installed several of his early air conditioning units in textile and printing shops at the turn of this century because of controlling the relative humidity at the time of paper and textile processing.
a) Willis Carrier
b) John Carter
c) William Defoe
d) Willis Defoe
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Answer: a
Explanation: Willis Carrier installed many of his early air conditioning units in textile and printing shops at the turn of this century for this exact same reason.

9. The __________ of today, manufactured from bleached kraft pulp, probably behaves somewhere in between kraft wrapping and sulfite derived __________
a) Fine papers
b) Bond papers
c) Greaseproof papers
d) Linerboard
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Answer: b
Explanation: The bond paper of today, made from bleached kraft pulp, probably behaves somewhere in between kraft wrapping and sulfite derived bond paper. There’s no such thing as an average paper when it comes to moisture content and the changes in properties as a function of moisture content.

10. This paper uses concoated chemicals on the backside of one sheet that react with a chemical on the front of the adjacent sheet to give color. What is the type of paper?
a) Sulfurless paper
b) Carbonless paper
c) Hydrogenless paper
d) Oxygenless paper
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Answer: b
Explanation: Carbonless paper was developed by the 3M company in the 1950s.

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