Pulp & Paper Questions and Answers – The Fourdrinier Wet End

This set of Pulp and Paper Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) focuses on “The Fourdrinier Wet End”.

1. The _________ is a paper machine with a fine mesh, woven wire cloth or plastic fabric on which the pulp slurry’s deposited.
a) Heatbox
b) Headbox
c) Aluminator
d) Fourdrinier
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Answer: d
Explanation: The fourdrinier, a paper machine which forms the web. The front side or tending side’s the side from which the paper machine’s controlled, whereas the other side’s the backside.

2. Clothing Paper machine doesn’t consists of forming fabrics, press felts, and dryer felts.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: It consists of forming fabrics (wires), press felts, and dryer felts.

3. _________ is a continuous loop or belt of fine screen made from wire or plastic .The mesh size ranges from 40 – 100 mesh openings per inch.
a) Flocculation
b) Deflocculation
c) Alum
d) Forming fabric
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Answer: d
Explanation: The wire, or now more precisely called the forming fabric. It’s a continuous loop or belt of fine screen made from wire or plastic.

4. _________ are high press. showers on the underside of the wire utilized to remove fillers and other material which could plug the wire.
a) Pressure heads
b) Wire showers
c) Forming fabric
d) Alum
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Answer: b
Explanation: Generally, they move back and forth slowly to clean all parts of the wire and prevent wire wearing in 1 spot.

5. The breast roll is located under the _________ and serves to return the fabric back to the forming area to receive the stock once again.
a) Heatbox
b) Headbox
c) Pressure heads
d) Forming fabric
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Answer: b
Explanation: It must be rigid enough to resist deflection. Shows the breast roll from a linerboard machine. During the era of pressure forming, it served as a H2removal device acting like a table roll. Pressure forming is not utilized now, except in tissue forming.
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6. The continuous mat of fibers which has already formed the final paper is called as the _________
a) Matte
b) Web
c) Corona
d) Oasis
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Answer: b
Explanation: The continuous mat of fibers that’s in the process of forming or which has already formed the final paper’s called as the web.

7. Table rolls are freely revolving rolls under the _________ wire that support the weight of the wire and wet web.
a) Heatbox
b) Headbox
c) Aluminator
d) Fourdrinier
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Answer: d
Explanation: Water is removed from the bottom of the web by a partial vacuum 45 kPascal below ambient pressure or 14 inches of mercury at machine speeds of 2000 ft/min over a distance of about 10 mm at the meniscus that forms at the nip where the roll leaves the wire.

8. The width of sheet sent to the press section’s calibrated by _________
a) Cutters
b) Slitters
c) Trim squirts
d) Razor squirts
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Answer: c
Explanation: The narrow bands of stock left on the fabric are slacked off by edge squirts. On newer designs of fabric there may have to be 2 trim squirts in line upon each side to get a clean “cut”. Economics dictate that a min.should be wasted in trinuning, about 2-3 inch which return’s back to the paper machine.

9. Hansen in 1991 developed suction using water-filled drop legs barometric legs like those utilized in brown stock washers to provide siphoning action. These are known as _________
a) Solid boxes
b) Dry boxes
c) Lovac boxes
d) Wet boxes
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Answer: c
Explanation: The pressure gradient’s proportional to the height of the H2O column. 4 distinct types of covers are used, all of which are slotted. To cause drainage only, a series of flat blades 7 – 13 is common.

10. In the progression along the forming table the stock’s subjected to inc. A.P. to drain the sheet.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Lovacs rarely operate above 50 inches W.G. The stock encounters the hivacs. The term flat box is not right, as curved covers are utilized regularly on 2 wire machines.

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